Aragon Core

This workspace contains the Core foundation of the Aragon ecosystem - the human centered approach to DAO's.

For more information on the individual packages, please read the respective


Start by running yarn install in the root.


Since the repo is set up as yarn workspace, all the linking is done automatically.


To release a new version of the NPM packages and the contracts add one of these labels release:patch, release:minor and release:major.
This triggers the deployment of the contracts to the networks defined under packages/contracts/networks.json. Merges to develop triggers a release to testnets and merges to main releases to the mainnets.
The labels also indicate how the npm packages will be bumped to the next version:

Label Version bump
release:patch patch bump for @aragon/core-contracts and @aragon/core-contracts-ethers
release:minor minor bump for @aragon/core-contracts and @aragon/core-contracts-ethers
release:major major bump for @aragon/core-contracts and @aragon/core-contracts-ethers