We created a cybersecurity Systematization of Knowledge for Solana applications and protocols. We call it the Solana Security Strategy: such a database would be hugely beneficial for anyone who wants to secure their product and learn security from the best-collected resources.
- 0x0918NanJing
- 0xfaveIn your slots
- 0xrinegade@aldrin-labs
- 0xTenma
- abisuq
- aga7hokakologicalmetaverse
- alk0x1127.0.0.1
- AlmostEfficient@buildspace
- beemanPubKey
- ChrisFareyBoy
- codingowlsdevEarth
- conorholds
- degencodebeast
- DeluxeRaphDigital Innovation
- finxlfantasyUTC + 1
- Hash01011122
- issa99-labRemote
- j174inIndia
- JacoboLansac
- jorshimayorNigeria
- LikemDzokotoLegacyLabs
- LiRiu
- Lokicommits
- MrSufferer
- Polaristow
- Raulioui
- rcstanciu@sherlock-protocol
- Rektoff
- Sm4rty-1Smart contract Auditor @Quillhash
- SP1R4no_company
- st0yanovSofia/Bulgaria
- YhtiyarIstanbul, Turkey
- zhe-tSolana Beach
- zpano
- zubalr