
App notifications Bundle (iOS and Android) for Symfony3 projects

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads SensioLabsInsight


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require reliefapps/notification-bundle "0.1.4"

NB: Before version 1, backward compatibility may be broken. It is advised to force a single version of the bundle has shown here

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\ReliefappsNotificationBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3 : Configure the Bundle

In your project, add at the end of the file app/config/config.yml the following configuration :

        server_key: **your_gcm_key**
        push_certificate: **path_to_your_ios_certificate**
        push_passphrase: **your_passphrase_for_the_certificate**
        protocol: legacy

Optional (but recommended) :

For improved error management for iOS notifications, you will need http2 support for cURL on your machine. See this tutorial.

Once you have followed this tutorial, check that cURL supports HTTP/2 by running :

$ curl --http2 -I https://nghttp2.org/

If it works, you can remove the line :

            protocol: legacy

in your app/config/config.yml file.


Step 1: Create a Device Entity

First you will need to create you own Device Entity extending this Bundle's ReliefappsNotificationBundle:Device entity.

Then complete your app/config/config.yml file with :

        class: YourBundle\Entity\Device

Step 2: Register some devices

In a strategic api controller (login, homepage), register the device UUID and token :


// ...
class YourController
    // ...
    public function YourAction()
        // ...
        // Get the Device Manager
        $deviceManager = $this->get('reliefapps_notification.device.manager');

        // Create a new device
        $newDevice = $deviceManager->createDevice($uuid, $platform);

        // Save the device in database


Step 3: Create a notification Body

The class NotificationBody allows you to create the content of a push notification.


use Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\Resources\Model\NotificationBody;

// ...
class YourController
    // ...
    public function YourAction()
        // ...
        $body = new NotificationBody();
        $body ->setTitle('Notification Title')      // Title of the notification
              ->setBody('This is a notification !') // Text of the notification
              ->setBadge(42);                       // Badge on the app icon (iOS only)

Step 4: Send a push notification

You are ready to send your first Push Notification !

The function sendPush takes an array of devices and a notification body, and sends the Push notifications to the devices !

If a token is invalid, it will be set to null on your database automatically.


// ...
class YourController
    // ...
    public function YourAction()
        // ...
        // Get the Push Manager
        $pushManager = $this->container->get('reliefapps_notification.push_manager');

        // Send a push notification to devices $device1 and $device2
        $pushManager->sendPush(Array($device1, $device2), $body);

Advanced Configuration


The configuration presented above does not allow you to switch servers (to switch between dev and prod) or to change apns_topic and certificates (to manage multiple applications from a single backend).

To solve this issue, we introduced the Object Context. A context is a set of configurations that can be used independently.

Contexts are defined in your app/config/config.yml:

        server_key: **prod_gcm_key**
        push_certificate: **prod_ios_certificate**
        push_passphrase: **prod_passphrase**
        apns_topic: myapp_prod
                server_key: **dev_gcm_key**
                gcm_server: android.development.googleapis.com
                push_certificate: **dev_ios_certificate**
                push_passphrase: **dev_passphrase**
                apns_server: api.development.push.apple.com
                apns_topic: myapp_dev
                apns_topic: myapp2

All fields that are not filled in the context will be filled with the default configuration.

You can call the context by its name with the PushManager.

For more info, lookup Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\Resources\Utils\ContextManager and Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\Resources\Model\Context.


// ...
class YourController
    // ...
    public function YourAction()
        // ...

        // The third parameter ("default" by default) indicates the context
        $pushManager->sendPush(Array($device1, $device2), $body, 'ctx_app2');

Additional fields

You may want to add some data to the notification wanted to be sent.


// ...
class YourController
    // ...
    public function YourAction()
        // ...

        $additionalFields = array(
            array("key" => "id_user", "value" => 42),
            array("key" => "linkToFollow", "value" => "https://packagist.org/packages/reliefapps/notification-bundle")

        $body->addAdditionalField(array("key" => "isNew", "value" => true));

        $pushManager->sendPush(Array($device1, $device2), $body);



Entity : Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\Resources\Model\NotificationBody

Key Description iOS Android
title Title [x] [x]
body Main text [x] [x]
ledColor Led color on front of the phone [ ] [x]
image Path to the icon to use in the app [ ] [x]
imageType Shape of the notification icon [ ] [x]
notId Id of the notification to distinguish them [ ] [x]
actions List of action [ ] [x]
badge Badge number on app icon [x] [ ]
category iOS category tag (defined in your app) [x] [ ]

Android Action

Entity : Reliefapps\NotificationBundle\Resources\Model\AndroidAction

Key Description iOS Android
icon Icon (name of an app drawable ressource) [ ] [x]
title Action text [ ] [x]
callback Function to call as the button is clicked [ ] [x]
foreground Open the app after click ? (default true) [ ] [x]
inline Use quick reply field ? (default false) [ ] [x]
