Web Crawler

This project implements a simple web crawler written in Go. It crawls a starting URL and fetches its content and links recursively up to a specified depth.


  • Go 1.21.5 or later (download Go)

Running the project

1. Build the project

go build

2. Run the crawler

./webcrawler  <url> <depth>
  • Replace <url> with the starting URL you want to crawl.
  • Replace <depth> with the maximum depth of crawling (number of levels to follow links).


./webcrawler <http://golang.org/> 2

This command will crawl the Go website (http://golang.org/) up to a depth of 2. The output will display the fetched content and links for each visited URL.

Implementation Details

  • The code uses a fakeFetcher for demonstration purposes. A real web crawler would need to implement a function that fetches actual web content.

  • The Crawl function utilizes goroutines to fetch URLs concurrently.

  • A blockingChannel and WaitGroup are used to synchronize access to shared resources (visited URLs) and ensure all goroutines finish before exiting.

Further Development

  • Implement a real web fetching function using packages like http.
  • Add error handling for network issues.
  • Improve concurrency management.
  • Persist crawled data.