
:open_file_folder: Very Useful Tools to Remember (Back-end)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GitHub language count Repository size GitHub last commit Repository issues License

Este repositório contém uma simples API para o desafio de front-end do BossaBox.


Como executar

Faça o clone/download deste repositório, execute yarn install. Logo em seguida você pode executar a API como desenvolvedor pelo comando yarn dev tendo acesso aos logs, ou mesmo como prod pelo comando yarn start. A API fica localizada em http://localhost:3000.

Variáveis de ambiente

Crie um arquivo .env na raiz do seu projeto com as seguintes variáveis de ambiente:

MONGO_URL= *Sua URL do MongoDB*


Esta API contém as seguintes rotas:

  • GET /tools : lista as ferramentas cadastradas
  • GET /tools?tag= : filtra as ferramentas utilizando uma busca por tag
  • POST /tools : cria uma nova ferramenta
  • DELETE /tools/:id : apaga a ferramenta com ID :id


GET /tools


GET /tools


        id: 1,
        title: "Notion",
        link: "https://notion.so",
        description: "All in one tool to organize teams and ideas. Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. ",
        tags: [
        id: 2,
        title: "json-server",
        link: "https://github.com/typicode/json-server",
        description: "Fake REST API based on a json schema. Useful for mocking and creating APIs for front-end devs to consume in coding challenges.",
        tags: [
        id: 3,
        title: "fastify",
        link: "https://www.fastify.io/",
        description: "Extremely fast and simple, low-overhead web framework for NodeJS. Supports HTTP2.",
        tags: [

GET /tools?tag=:suaTag


GET /tools?tag=node


        id: 2,
        title: "json-server",
        link: "https://github.com/typicode/json-server",
        description: "Fake REST API based on a json schema. Useful for mocking and creating APIs for front-end devs to consume in coding challenges.",
        tags: [
        id: 3,
        title: "fastify",
        link: "https://www.fastify.io/",
        description: "Extremely fast and simple, low-overhead web framework for NodeJS. Supports HTTP2.",
        tags: [

POST /tools


// POST /tools
// Content-Type: application/json
    "title": "hotel",
    "link": "https://github.com/typicode/hotel",
    "description": "Local app manager. Start apps within your browser, developer tool with local .localhost domain and https out of the box.",
    "tags":["node", "organizing", "webapps", "domain", "developer", "https", "proxy"]


    "title": "hotel",
    "link": "https://github.com/typicode/hotel",
    "description": "Local app manager. Start apps within your browser, developer tool with local .localhost domain and https out of the box.",
    "tags":["node", "organizing", "webapps", "domain", "developer", "https", "proxy"],

DELETE /tools/:id


DELETE /tools/5


// Status: 200 OK