3DS multitool thing. Functions: NCCH padgen -- use ctrkeygen.py to generate the needed ncchinfo.bin SD padgen -- use SDinfo_gen.py to generate the needed SDinfo.bin Title key decrypter -- check out the scripts in 'ticket-titlekey_stuff' NAND FAT16 partition padgen --self-explanatory NAND dumper --self-explanatory Controls: DPAD Up/Down: change selection A: select item B: return to menu(after your selected process finishes) YOU NEED TO SUPPLY YOUR OWN COPY OF slot0x25KeyX.bin. To build for iQUE (Chinese 3DS) please change the following line in rop.py _pop_r2_pc = 0x0022952D ### for ique change to 0x00229565 Thanks to enler for finding the correct gadget offset. credits: sbJFn5r - coding + initial versions of the python scripts relys - coding xerpi - did some refactoring early on, that was then built off of and made ugly again. :( CaitSith2 - Updates to CDNto3DS idunoe - Allow user specified moveable.sed einstein95 - Padding from .rsf Thanks: yellows8, plutooo and everyone else that contributes to the 3dbrew wiki megazig for the crypto functions some GBAtemper for the FS functions. Don't know who you are, but the person I got them from said they came from someone on GBAtemp.