• menu plus large
  • ajouter ville d'arriver
  • when we create a user or when we log in we need to set cookies
  • remove email validation in "forgot password" as it is a security flaw
  • remove icon dependencies and use svg code directly (more optimised?)
  • check how to use cypress and start making tests
  • Change the favicon.png, apple-touch-icon.png, android-chrome-192x192.png and android-chrome-512x512.png. is a cool tool for generating these assets.
  • check how to use github actions
  • Modify or delete the LICENSE file.
  • New map component is created to make an interactive map which you can click to choose countries you wanna go, I need to find a way to implement it if it's possible

Before you start coding

  • If you don't plan to use GitHub Actions, delete the .github directory.
  • Clean up the cypress/integration/index.spec.ts file.
  • Remove the fruits.json in the public folder.
  • In the src folder, remove the api and components folder and the types.ts file.
  • Change the title, description and theme color in the index.html and vite.config.ts. Inter font is included, so remove it if you want.
  • Change the name field in package.json.


Test workflow CodeQL workflow Up to date dependencies Up to date dev dependencies code style: prettier Commitizen friendly license

Opinionated Vite starter template.


Getting started

Use this repository as a GitHub template or use degit to clone to your machine with an empty git history:

npx degit wtchnm/Vitamin#main my-app

Then, install the dependencies:

yarn install


Just run yarn dev.


Run yarn build. The generated files will be on the dist folder.


Run yarn test. Tests are performed on production build, so be sure to build your app first.