
Adapted 6TiSCH simulator to handle Neighbors Propositions mechanism.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

NPEB method

The NPEB method has been designed in the context of the Master thesis presented here (get details about NPEB from the Implementation section). To highlight NPEB's performance gains, the official 6TiSCH simulator has been modified in-code to implement the NPEB behaviour, and some relevant KPIs have been added to the original ones.

The 6TiSCH Simulator

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If you publish an academic paper using the results of the 6TiSCH Simulator, please cite:

E. Municio, G. Daneels, M. Vucinic, S. Latre, J. Famaey, Y. Tanaka, K. Brun, K. Muraoka, X. Vilajosana, and T. Watteyne, "Simulating 6TiSCH Networks", Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications (ETT), 2019; 30:e3494. https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3494


6TiSCH is an IETF standardization working group that defines a complete protocol stack for ultra reliable ultra low-power wireless mesh networks. This simulator implements the 6TiSCH protocol stack, exactly as it is standardized. It allows you to measure the performance of a 6TiSCH network under different conditions.

Simulated protocol stack

RFC6550, RFC6552 RPL, non-storing mode, OF0
RFC6206 Trickle Algorithm
draft-ietf-6lo-minimal-fragment-07 6LoWPAN Fragment Forwarding
RFC6282, RFC4944 6LoWPAN Fragmentation
draft-ietf-6tisch-msf-10 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF)
draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal-security-15 Constrained Join Protocol (CoJP) for 6TiSCH
RFC8480 6TiSCH 6top Protocol (6P)
RFC8180 Minimal 6TiSCH Configuration
IEEE802.15.4-2015 IEEE802.15.4 TSCH
  • connectivity models
    • Pister-hack
    • k7: trace-based connectivity
  • miscellaneous


  • Install Python 2.7 (or Python 3)
  • Clone or download this repository
  • To plot the graphs, you need Matplotlib and scipy. On Windows, Anaconda (http://continuum.io/downloads) is a good one-stop-shop.

While 6TiSCH Simulator has been tested with Python 2.7, it should work with Python 3 as well.

Getting Started

  1. Download the code:

    $ git clone https://bitbucket.org/6tisch/simulator.git
  2. Install the Python dependencies: cd simulator and pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Execute runSim.py or start the GUI:

    • runSim.py
      $ cd bin
      $ python runSim.py
      • a new directory having the timestamp value as its name is created under bin/simData/ (e.g., bin/simData/20181203-161254-775)
      • raw output data and raw charts are stored in the newly created directory
    • GUI
      $ gui/backend/start
      Starting the backend server on
      • access with a web browser
      • raw output data are stored under gui/simData
      • charts are NOT generated when the simulator is run via GUI
  4. Take a look at bin/config.json to see the configuration of the simulations you just ran.

The simulator can be run on a cluster system. Here is an example for a cluster built with OAR and Conda:

  1. Edit config.json

    • Set numCPUs with -1 (use all the available CPUs/cores) or a specific number of CPUs to be used
    • Set log_directory_name with "hostname"
  2. Create a shell script, runSim.sh, having the following lines:

     #OAR -l /nodes=1
     source activate py27
     python runSim.py
  3. Make the shell script file executable:

    $ chmod +x runSim.sh
  4. Submit a task for your simulation (in this case, 10 separate simulation jobs are submitted):

    $ oarsub --array 10  -S "./runSim.sh"
  5. After all the jobs finish, you'll have 10 log directories under simData, each directory name of which is the host name where a job is executed

  6. Merge the resulting log files into a single log directory:

    $ python mergeLogs.py

If you want to avoid using a specific host, use -p option with oarsub:

$ oarsub -p "not host like 'node063'" --array 10 -S "./runSim.sh"

In this case, node063 won't be selected for submitted jobs.

The following commands could be useful to manage your jobs:

  • $ oarstat: show all the current jobs
  • $ oarstat -u: show your jobs
  • $ oarstat -u -f: show details of your jobs
  • $ oardel 87132: delete a job whose job ID is 87132
  • $ oardel --array 87132: delete all the jobs whose array ID is 87132

You can find your job IDs and array ID in oarsub outputs:

$ oarsub --array 4 -S "runSim.sh"

Code Organization

  • SimEngine/: the simulator
    • Connectivity.py: Simulates wireless connectivity.
    • SimConfig.py: The overall configuration of running a simulation campaign.
    • SimEngine.py: Event-driven simulation engine at the core of this simulator.
    • SimLog.py: Used to save the simulation logs.
    • SimSettings.py: The settings of a single simulation, part of a simulation campaign.
    • Mote/: Models a 6TiSCH mote running the different standards listed above.
  • bin/: the scripts for you to run
  • gui/: files for GUI (see "GUI" section for further information)
  • tests/: the unit tests, run using pytest
  • traces/: example k7 connectivity traces


runSim.py reads config.json in the current working directory. You can specify a specific config.json location with --config option.

python runSim.py --config=example.json

The config parameter can contain:

  • the name of the configuration file in the current directory, e.g. example.json
  • a path to a configuration file on the computer running the simulation, e.g. c:\simulator\example.json
  • a URL of a configuration file somewhere on the Internet, e.g. https://www.example.com/example.json

base format of the configuration file

    "version":               0,
    "execution": {
        "numCPUs":           1,
        "numRuns":           100
    "settings": {
        "combination": {
        "regular": {
    "logging":               "all",
    "log_directory_name":    "startTime",
    "post": [
        "python compute_kpis.py",
        "python plot.py"
  • the configuration file is a valid JSON file
  • version is the version of the configuration file format; only 0 for now.
  • execution specifies the simulator's execution
    • numCPUs is the number of CPUs (CPU cores) to be used; -1 means "all available cores"
    • numRuns is the number of runs per simulation parameter combination
  • settings contains all the settings for running the simulation.
    • combination specifies variations of parameters
    • regular specifies the set of simulator parameters commonly used in a series of simulations
  • logging specifies what kinds of logs are recorded; "all" or a list of log types
  • log_directory_name specifies how sub-directories for log data are named: "startTime" or "hostname"
  • post lists the post-processing commands to run after the end of the simulation.

See bin/config.json to find what parameters should be set and how they are configured.

more on connectivity models

using a k7 connectivity model

k7 is a popular format for connectivity traces. You can run the simulator using connectivity traces in your K7 file instead of using the propagation model.

    "settings": {
        "conn_class": "K7"
        "conn_trace": "../traces/grenoble.k7.gz"
  • conn_class should be set with "K7"
  • conn_trace should be set with your K7 file path


  • the number of nodes in the simulation must match the number of nodes in the trace file.
  • the trace duration should be longer that 1 hour has the first hour is used for initialization

more on applications

AppPeriodic and AppBurst are available.

configuration file format validation

The format of the configuration file you pass is validated before starting the simulation. If your configuration file doesn't comply with the format, an ConfigfileFormatException is raised, containing a description of the format violation. The simulation is then not started.

GUI / 6TiSCH Simulator WebApp

The repository of 6TiSCH Simulator has only artifacts of 6TiSCH Simulator WebApp.

Full source code of the webapp is hosted at https://github.com/yatch/6tisch-simulator-webapp/. WEBAPP_COMMIT_INFO.txt has the commit (version) of the webapp code that generates the files under gui.

Screenshot of GUI

About 6TiSCH

what where
charter http://tools.ietf.org/wg/6tisch/charters
data tracker http://tools.ietf.org/wg/6tisch/
mailing list http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/6tisch/current/maillist.html
source https://bitbucket.org/6tisch/