
Ansible Playbook to install a user with all commonly used packages and facilties in a Debian system, setting up i3 as WM.

Primary LanguageJinja


Ansible Playbook to install a new user with all commonly used packages, system configurations and facilties on a Debian-like distro, also replacing the WM by an i3 setup.

There are 3 possible levels of installation :

  1. minimal : all prerequisites packages/repositories
  2. common : utilitary tools for a desktop installation setup like browser, editors, ...
  3. security : auxiliary tools useful for security/pentesting purposes

It can be tuned for each installation, like other parameters, by editing group_vars/all.yml.

The play is split in several roles that can also be launched individually passing Ansible tags :

  • system_setup [system] :
    • create a regular user/group [user-mgmt]
    • build under his /home a predefined file system hierarchy to work on
  • packages [pkgs] :
    • using the system's package manager, remove undesired packages
    • install a pool of new packages depending the type of installation (minimal/common/security)
    • set up customized config files for installed packages
  • cli_facilities [cli] :
    • user aliases and useful snippets
    • shell interface/behaviour
  • i3 [i3] :
    • install lightdm and i3 + customized config depending the Desktop Environment
    • set it as defaults system-wide
  • repositories [repos] :
    • clone some listed repositories depending on the type of installation (minimal/common/security)
    • execute for each, if specified, an arbitrary postclone command

Launch it using

./launch_playbook.sh [dry] "[other parameters to pass to ansible_playbook]"

For example, to only process stuff regarding the creation of the new user and the customization of his terminal :

./launch_playbook.sh "--tags user-mgmt,cli"


  • packages : hypervisor level, config file only if package installed
  • cli_facilities : fonts, snippets (show c/c, ...)
  • i3 : config depending DE
  • launch_script : support running on localhost, show possible tags, overriding inventory, ...
  • use keys instead of password