
Backend server for emotion analysis using IBM's Bluemix

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Provide your IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding Credentials

  1. $ cp src/modules/emotion/credentials.sample.py src/modules/emotion/credentials.py
  2. Edit credentials.py.

Build the server

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Execute via CLI:
$ git clone https://github.com/ibleedfilm/emotion-server.git
$ cd emotion-server
$ sudo chmod u+x bootstrap.sh
$ ./bootstrap.sh

Starting/Stopping the server

$ eval $(docker-machine env emotion-machine)
$ docker start/stop/restart emotion-server

Accessing the app

$ docker-machine ip emotion-machine

Take note of the IP address. You may access it via your browser or provide it in the client.

Running tests

$ pip install pytest pytest-cov
$ py.test -v --cov=src

Run these every time you reboot your desktop/laptop

$ docker-machine start emotion-machine
$ docker-machine ssh emotion-machine 'sudo mount -t vboxsf src /mnt/src'
$ eval $(docker-machine env emotion-machine)
$ docker start emotion-server

Access app via the IP address provided by $ docker-machine ip emotion-machine.