Original intention 💡

Some logic could be shared between different widget blueprint, like:

  • pull some text from somewhere and show it on this TextBlock widget

So I want to bring Component to UUserWidget, just like Actor - Component

Which provides an important benefit:

  • layout and logic can be separate completely (all logic can be implemented in components and reused everywhere!)


The key problem is how to let component manipulate widgets in owner widget while they are decoupled


We all know that a widget property marked with BindWidget or BindWidgetOptional will be bind to the widget with same name

By looking at its implementation (UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass::InitializeWidgetStatic), I found it utilizing the property name to find the widget and set back to the widget property at runtime to accomplish the binding process

So if we can retrieve the member name, we could do the same process as BindWidget to solve this problem

Data Structure

But how could we store the member name? Define a user struct to deal with it? like:

struct FWidgetBinding
    FName MemberName;

    TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> Object;

There is a better choice that do the "two things" at once : TSoftObjectPtr. It provides several benefits:

  • It Stores object full path rather than object pointer, which allows the object address to change for being replaced or re-instanced because of recompiling or reopen the editor without losing the reference
  • When the relative object get renamed, it should also "renamed" automatically
  • MemberName is included in object full path
  • WeakPtr is included as a data member
  • Other engine features comes with it

but with extra overhead:

  • SubPathString is a FString

Which looks acceptable

Get member name at editor-time

The FWidgetTypeCustomization that engine provides almost do the job for me, but it has several problems:

  • It only customize the raw widget object pointer ;)
  • It uses the preview widget of blueprint editor as the "data source", so the reference is not persistent (reference lost after recompile)
  • It does not customize things in Instanced Objects;) (seems like neither of the two types of detail customizations work with Instanced Objects)

the last two problem is "deadly" to this, because we need the component to be instanced, so I have to write detail customization on my own ;) : WidgetComponentEditor

The name might be bit of misleading, it only customized the Components property (not a hard coded member name) of any given class at the moment, not a brand new editor :)

Binding at runtime

@see WidgetComponentStatics::LinkSoftObjectToRuntimeVariable, what it does:

  • build the WidgetName to WidgetObject map
  • set the object to the TSoftObjectPtr with same Name

It should be called when widget is initialized, but this is already handled with a component~ 🍺

Component ticking

Luckily, I avoid to reinvent the wheel with the engine provided UUserWidgetExtension class, it has all the interface i need, and it is feature complete 🎉

  • Initialize (BeginPlay)
  • Destruct (EndPlay)
  • RequiresTick (IsTickEnabled)
  • Tick (Tick)


Example Usage

@see UComponentBasedWidget

Basically, to adopt your custom widget class with this component mechanism:

  1. copy-paste all the code within this class, it does several things for you:
    • add an UWidgetComponentAsExtension component to your widget, it will handle most of the work for you
      • Dealing with detail customization
      • WidgetComponentStatics::LinkSoftObjectToRuntimeVariable
    • specify the Components property (the instanced components object container)
    • WidgetComponentStatics::AddComponentsToWidgetExtension
  2. add your c++ class of the custom widget to the UWidgetComponentEditorSetting::WidgetClassToCustomize through project setting
  3. Done!