
An example of how Dagger can be used in a simple CI/CD pipeline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dagger/Node Github Example

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This is a clone of a REST API I created to understand Express/Postgres/Jest/Supertest a little more, the original repo is here.

In this repo I have implemented the really interesting CI/CD framework from the guys at Dagger.io. This framework allows the CI/CD pipeline to be platform agnostic, adds some great structure to the config using CUE a new config language. But most importantly for me, it allows me to easily run the whole pipeline locally, quickly and easily. Check out the pipeline for this project in the eden.cue file. I highly recommend you check out the project and contribute if you can!

Below is the content from the origin README detailing how to use the REST API.

Eden is a mock plant shop. It is an example of a very basic REST API with integration tests. My hope is to make a test framework that can be scaled.


Ensure you have Node & NPM installed.

npm install
docker-compose up -d


See the package.json for all available commands

# Set up the database

# Create the sb
npm run db:create

# Set up the tables
npm run migrate

# Set up some very basic seeded data 
npm run seed
# General server use

# Start the server using nodemon
npm start 

# returns all plants
curl localhost:3000/api/plants

# returns a specific plant
curl localhost:3000/api/plants/1

# Adds a plant to the db
curl -X POST localhost:3000/api/plants\
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
   -d '{"species": "Boston Fern","colour": "Green","size": "S","season": true}'

# Update a plant in the db
curl -X PUT localhost:3000/api/plants/1\
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
   -d '{"species": "Cactus","colour": "Purple","size": "L","season": false}'

# Delete a plant in the db
curl -X DELETE localhost:3000/api/plants/1
# Using the test suite

# Run all tests
npm test

# Update the snapshots
npm test -- -u

# Start Jest in interactive watch mode
npm test -- --watch


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
