
Personnal project. Trying to learn python, django, and the docker ecosystem.

Primary LanguagePython


Personnal project. Trying to learn python, django, and the docker ecosystem (container, compose, prchestration) and maybe other nice technologies like hadoop or openfaas.

Steps followed

  • Install python "choco install python"
  • Install docker windows toolbox (because I'm using Windows Home) "choco install docker-toolbox -ia /COMPONENTS="kitematic,virtualbox,dockercompose" "
  • Install python django (installed in the container but I need it for initializing the project with django cli) : "pip install django"
  • Init the project "django-admin startproject Pythocker" then cd to the project file
  • Create the DockerFile
  • run the docker toolbox terminal (on the first run it might take a while to init everything)
  • build the docker image : cd on the project folder then "docker build . -t pythocker"
  • run the image : "docker run -p 8000:8000 -it pythocker"

Here is my journey [https://twitter.com/rembou1/status/959536247155970049]