
HKUST Swarm research

Primary LanguageC


We use CubeMX to generate the code. You can choose whether to use Keil or GNU Tools chain.

The code consists of the FreeRTOS. Some cmsis_os API is implemented.

Current board information:
flash size: 128k
clock freqz: 96MHz



For Keil:

  • Keil Project is at MDK-ARM/ dir

For open source software:

  • Compiler: GNU Tools Chain(Windows)

    • For Linux sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • Adapter to board: OpenOCD for Windows for Linux

    • For Linux DO NOT USE sudo apt install openocd. The version is BUGGY.
  • Editor: VS code

under the dir \Middlewares\Third_Party\FreeRTOS\Source\portable the GCC/ dir is for GNU Tools, the RVDS/ dir is for Keil. Make sure the file exist before you compile the code. The CubeMX may delete one of them when generating the code for another tool chains. A backup of GCC dir is at the root dir.

Environment setup


Add the OpenOCD to you environment variable PATH.

Add the arm-none-eabi-gcc to your environment variable PATH.


Install the GNU Tools Chain
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none eabi

Install the OpenOCD-0.10.0
cd $YOUR_DOWNLOAD_PATH$/openocd-0.10.0
./configure && make
sudo make install
To enable openocd can launch with proper permission(e.g. without sudo)
sudo cp ./contrib/60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm trigger

VS code

Install extension Cortex-Debug in VS Code.

Install extension C/C++ in VS Code.

Make sure your directory is call Pilot NOT Pilot-Master or sth else.

Workflow in VS Code


There are two ways to build the project:

  • type make in the terminal

  • run task Build in VS code


To upload the project. Also two ways to do it

  • type make upload in the terminal
  • run task Upload Program in VS code


Debug-> Start Debug(Press F5) to start debugging.

Other references

Cortex-Debug: a VS code extension