
Let's you customize many animal behavior like fleeing duration, bleed out modifier, wolf behavior on aiming and many more, in addition to the included and enhanced TweakRabbits and DetectionRange. These mods are obsolete and have to be removed in order to use this mod!

Primary LanguageC#

Animal Behavior for The Long Dark

This is a mod for The Long Dark by Hinterland Studio, Inc.

It includes TweakRabbits and DetectionRange ported by ds5678 and originally made by AlexTheRegent. Special thanks to both for all their contributions!

These mods are obsolete and have to be removed in order to use this mod!


The default animal behavior were to easy in my opinion and not really challenging. Especially rabbits needed a lot of tweaking. Besides adding many new options, like a fleeing duration, bleed out modifier, wolf behavior on aiming, etc., I also wanted to improve DetectionRange and TweakRabbits. Instead of having multiple animal behavior mods, with the permission of ds5678 I decided to include all animal mods polished and enhanced into this one.


There are many new settings in the Mod Options:

  • Special Behavior
    • Wolf Stalking Behavior When Aiming

      The stalking behavior from wolves when the player aims at them.

      • Attack Probability

        The probability for an attack every time it is checked.

      • Attack Probability Interval

        The duration between each probability check in seconds. The first one is when you begin to aim.

    • Wolf Holding Ground Behavior When Aiming

      The behavior from threatening wolves when the player is near a fire and aims at them.

      • Choose Wolves

        Choose wolves to apply the changes. When applied to timberwolves they will also flee when you fire a gun and they are holding ground.

      • Direct Aim Accuracy

        How close you have to aim you crosshair on a wolf to trigger fleeing.

      • Flee Probability

        The probability for fleeing every time it is checked.

      • Flee Probability Interval

        The duration between each probability check in seconds

    • Rabbit Stun

      The rabbit behavior when hit by a stone. The stun duration can be changed in the rabbits section (except when you choose random).

      • Kill On Hit Probability

        The probability to instantly kill the rabbit.

      • Maximum Stun Duration

        The maximum stun duration when set to random. This overrides the stun duration in the rabbits section.

      • Minimum Stun Duration

        The minimum stun duration when set to random. This overrides the stun duration in the rabbits section.

  • Animal Bleeding
    • Bleed Out Modifier

      The bleed out time is very dependent on what the player uses, on which animal and where it is being hit. This modifier will be multiplied to the final bleed out duration for arrows, bullets and flare gun shells (Not wolf struggle!). A common bleed out duration is 60 INGAME minutes, higher modifier means longer.

    • Stackable Bleeding

      If you want stackable bleeding. If an animal is hit multiple times bleeding will get accumulated. Also applies to wolf struggle. Wolf struggle multiplier should get set accordingly. E.g. Two hits with: Duration1 = 60, Duration2 = 90 -> Final duration = 36

    • Wolf Struggle

      "This modifier will be multiplied to the final bleed out duration for wolf struggle. The default is 12 INGAME minutes for a knife. If used together with stackable bleeding, this should be set pretty high as you hit the wolf around 10 times, e.g. 20.

    • Blood Drop Lifetime

      Specify the lifetime of blood drops in hours. The oldest one will also disappear when the maximum amount of decals is reached. This is mostly the case if you don't increase the number of decals.

      • Lifetime - Blizzard/ Heavy Snow/ High Winds

      Lets you specify the respective lifetimes under special conditions.

    • LifeTime - Randomness

      If you like to add randomness to every blood drop.

      • Min Lifetime

      The minimum lifetime of blood drops in hours. A random value is chosen between this and the 'Blood Drop Lifetime' -value.

    • Min Lifetime - Blizzard/ Heavy Snow/ High Winds

      Lets you specify the respective minimum lifetimes under special conditions. Similar to 'Min Lifetime'.

    • Maximum Decals (Reload Required)

      Specify the maximum amount of decals. These are: Player blood, animal blood, ice cracks, bullet decals. The oldest one will disappear when the maximum amount of decals is reached. Keep in mind, they need to be computed and may affect FPS! However, I had no problems even with 1000.

    • Try Restoring Blood When Loading

      Changing scenes, e.g. when entering a house, completely resets all decals. This tries to restore previous decals. Only works if you enter a location and exit back to the previous location. Works pretty good to go inside, recover and continue the chase!

  • Animal Stats (Applied After Reload)
    • Wolf

      Apply custom values to wolves. Note: also affects wolves' detection of rabbits and deer. The values are also modified with the two values for "Wildlife Detection Range"/ "Wildlife Smell Range" which can be seen when creating a custom survival game. Medium represents the set Vanilla value. Only smell range will get changed with a different difficulty. Detection range is constant except when set otherwise.

      • Smell Range

        How far it can smell the player while carrying meat.

      • Begin Charging Range

        How far it will start charging at you when stalking.

      • Detection Range

        How far it can see.

      • Hear Range

        How far it can hear the player walk.

      • Detection Range While Feeding

        How far it can see while it is feeding.

      • Hear Range While Feeding

        How far it can hear the player walk while it is feeding.

      • Flee Duration

        The minimum flee duration in seconds.

    • Timberwolf

      All values accordingly.

      • Smell Range
      • Detection Range
      • Hear Range
      • Detection Range While Feeding
      • Hear Range While Feeding
      • Flee Duration
    • Deer

      All values accordingly.

      • Detection Range
      • Hear Range
      • Flee Duration
    • Moose

      All values accordingly.

      • Detection Range
      • Hear Range
      • Flee Duration
    • Rabbit

      All values accordingly.

      • Detection Range

      • Hear Range

      • Flee Duration

      • Stun Duration

        The stun duration in seconds when hit with a stone. Overridden when random is chosen.

    • Bear

      All values accordingly.

      • Smell Range

      • Begin Charging Range

      • Detection Range

      • Hear Range

      • Flee Duration

      • Ignore Flares

        Currently flares are very strong. This setting will let bears ignore held flares.

      • Ignore Marine Flares

        This setting will let bears ignore held marine flares.


  1. If you haven't done so already, install MelonLoader v0.2.7.4+
  2. If you haven't done so already, install ModSettings v1.7+
  3. Download the latest version of AnimalBehavior.dll from the releases page
  4. Move AnimalBehavior.dll into the Mods folder of your The Long Dark installation directory


The mod can always be uninstalled. Just delete the AnimalBehavior.dll from the Mods folder.

Modding Discord Server

If you have any questions/ suggestions or you just wanna say "Thank you!" visit the TLD Modding Discord Server server!