
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Setting Up Your Environment

You will need to first get your environment set up. Follow the directions here


Katas are simple-ish problems that allow developers to discover the basics of a language, and get practice test-driving code. Some of the below katas may seems very simple and silly, but that's okay! Each kata can either be a separate folder or separate repo

Running Tests

In Node, it is a common practice for your code and tests to live in the same folder. I have opted to use jest as the test runner as it is fairly easy to use, and lighter weight than some other options. All of the code and tests live in the src directory.

The following commands will be useful for running tests:

  • npm install - Install any dependencies needed, such as Jest
  • npm install --save <package> - Installs and saves a package. Useful for dependencies you may need, though probably not necessary for katas. Packages can be found at the npm registry
  • npm run test - Executes all test files, single execution
  • npm run test:watch - Executes all test files, automatically re-runs when a file is changed

Useful git commands

Here is a descent tutorial that helps you understand, at a high-level, how git works. It includes the commands I have here, plus a few more. Don't worry about fetch, merge, or pull yet.

  • git add <file> - Adds a specific file to git's "staged" files
  • get add . - Adds all files in the current directory and all sub directories to git's "staged" files
  • git commit -m "<message>" - Creates a commit (aka snapshot) with all of the files in the staged area. This only affects your local machine until you push your code up. Your message should breifly describe your change
  • git push origin <branch> - Pushes your commited changes to the remote server. In this case, it will be GitHub