
A simple library for plotting graphs in Zig

Primary LanguageZig

Zig Plot Lib

The Zig Plot Lib is a library for plotting data in Zig. It is designed to be easy to use and to have a simple API.

Note: This library is still in development and is not yet ready for production use.

I'm developping this library with version 0.12.0.


You can install the library by adding it to the build.zig.zon file, either manually like so:

    .dependencies = .{
        .zigplotlib = .{
            .url = "https://github.com/Remy2701/zigplotlib/archive/main.tar.gz",
            .hash = "...",

The hash can be found using the builtin command:

zig fetch https://github.com/Remy2701/zigplotlib/archive/main.tar.gz

Or you can also add it automatically like so:

zig fetch --save https://github.com/Remy2701/zigplotlib/archive/main.tar.gz

Then in the build.zig, you can add the following:

const zigplotlib = b.dependency("zigplotlib", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

exe.root_module.addImport("plotlib", zigplotlib.module("zigplotlib"));

The name of the module (plotlib) can be changed to whatever you want.

Finally in your code you can import the module using the following:

const plotlib = @import("plotlib");


Example Plot

The above plot was generated with the following code:

const std = @import("std");

const SVG = @import("svg/SVG.zig");

const Figure = @import("plot/Figure.zig");
const Line = @import("plot/Line.zig");
const Area = @import("plot/Area.zig");
const Scatter = @import("plot/Scatter.zig");

/// The function for the 1st plot (area - blue)
fn f(x: f32) f32 {
    if (x > 10.0) {
        return 20 - (2 * (x - 10.0));
    return 2 * x;

/// The function for the 2nd plot (scatter - red)
fn f2(x: f32) f32 {
    if (x > 10.0) {
        return 10.0;
    return x;

/// The function for the 3rd plot (line - green)
fn f3(x: f32) f32 {
    if (x < 8.0) {
        return 0.0;
    return 0.5 * (x - 8.0);

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    var points: [25]f32 = undefined;
    var points2: [25]f32 = undefined;
    var points3: [25]f32 = undefined;
    for (0..25) |i| {
        points[i] = f(@floatFromInt(i));
        points2[i] = f2(@floatFromInt(i));
        points3[i] = f3(@floatFromInt(i));

    var figure = Figure.init(allocator, .{
        .title = .{
            .text = "Example plot",
    defer figure.deinit();

    try figure.addPlot(Area {
        .y = &points,
        .style = .{
            .color = 0x0000FF,
    try figure.addPlot(Scatter {
        .y = &points2,
        .style = .{
            .shape = .plus,
            .color = 0xFF0000,
    try figure.addPlot(Line {
        .y = &points3,
        .style = .{
            .color = 0x00FF00,
    try figure.addPlot(Area {
        .x = &[_]f32 { -5.0, 0.0, 5.0 },
        .y = &[_]f32 { 5.0, 3.0, 5.0 },
        .style = .{
            .color = 0xFF00FF,
    try figure.addPlot(Area {
        .x = &[_]f32 { -5.0, 0.0, 5.0 },
        .y = &[_]f32 { -5.0, -3.0, -5.0 },
        .style = .{
            .color = 0xFFFF00,

    var svg = try figure.show();
    defer svg.deinit();

    // Write to an output file (out.svg)
    var file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("out.svg", .{});
    defer file.close();

    try svg.writeTo(file.writer());


The first thing needed is to create a figure which will contain the plots.

const std = @import("std");
const Figure = @import("plot/Figure.zig");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var figure = Figure.init(allocator, .{});
    defer figure.deinit();

The figure takes two arguments, the allocator (used to store the plot and generate the SVG) and the style for the plot. The options available for the style are:

Option Type Description
width union(enum) { pixel: f32, auto_gap: f32 } The width of the plot in pixels (excluding the axis and label).
height union(enum) { pixel: f32, auto_gap: f32 } The height of the plot in pixels (excluding the axis and label).
plot_padding f32 The padding around the plot
background_color RGB (u48) The background color of the plot
background_opacity f32 The opacity of the background
title ?... The style of the title (null to hide it)
value_padding ... The padding to use for the range of the plot
axis ... The style for the axis
legend ... The style for the legend

The title option contains the following parameters:

Option Type Description
text []const u8 The title of the figure
position enum { top, bottom } The position of the title
font_size f32 The font size of the title
color RGB (u48) The color of the title
padding f32 The padding between the plot and the title

The value_padding option is defined like so:

pub const ValuePercent = union(enum) {
    value: f32,
    percent: f32,

value_padding: struct {
    x_max: ValuePercent,
    y_max: ValuePercent,
    x_min: ValuePercent,
    y_min: ValuePercent,

The axis option contains more parameters:

Option Type Description
x_scale enum { linear, log } The scale of the x axis
y_scale enum { linear, log } The scale of the y axis
x_range ?Range(f32) The range of values for the x axis
y_range ?Range(f32) The range of values for the y axis
color RGB (u48) The color of the axis
width f32 The width of the axis
label_color RGB (u48) The color of the labels
label_size f32 The font size of the labels
label_padding f32 The padding between the labels and the axis
label_font []const u8 The font to use for the labels
tick_count_x ... The number of ticks to use on the x axis
tick_count_y ... The number of ticks to use on the y axis
show_x_axis bool whether to show the x axis
show_y_axis bool whether to show the y axis
show_grid_x bool whether to show the grid on the x axis
show_grid_y bool whether to show the grid on the y axis
grid_opacity f32 The opacity of the grid
frame_color RGB (u48) The color of the frame
frame_width f32 The width of the frame

The tick_count_x and tick_count_y options are defined like so:

tick_count_x: union(enum) {
    count: usize,
    gap: f32,

The legend option contains more parameters:

Option Type Description
show bool Whether to show the legend
position enum { top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right } The position of the legend
font_size f32 The font size of the legend
background_color RGB (u48) The background color of the legend
border_color RGB (u48) The border color of the legend
border_width f32 The border width of the legend
padding f32 The padding around the legend

Then you can add a plot like so (here is the example with the line plot):

const Line = @import("plot/Line.zig");
figure.addPlot(Line {
    .y = points,
    .style = .{
        .color = 0x0000FF,

Supported Plots

There are currently 5 types of plots supported:


Line Plot

The options for styling the line plot are:

Option Type Description
title ?[]const u8 The title of the plot (used for the legend)
color RGB (u48) The color of the line
width f32 The width of the line
dash ?f32 The length of the dash for the line (null means no dash)
smooth f32 The smoothing factor for the line plot. It must be in range [0; 1]. (0 means no smoothing).


Area Plot

The options for styling the area plot are:

Option Type Description
title ?[]const u8 The title of the plot (used for the legend)
color RGB (u48) The color of the area
opacity f32 The opacity of the area
width f32 The width of the line (above the area)


Scatter Plot

The options for styling the scatter plot are:

Option Type Description
title ?[]const u8 The title of the plot (used for the legend)
color RGB (u48) The color of the points
radius f32 The radius of the points
shape ... The shape of the points

The available shapes are:

Shape Description
circle A circle
circle_outline The outline of a circle
square A square
square_outline The outline of a square
triangle A triangle (facing upwards)
triangle_outline The outline of a triangle (facing upwards)
rhombus A rhombus
rhombus_outline The outline of a rhombus
plus A plus sign
plus_outline The outline of a plus sign
cross A cross
cross_outline The outline of a cross


Step Plot

The first value of the x and y arrays are used as the starting point of the plot, this means that the step will start from this point. The options for styling the step plot are:

Option Type Description
title ?[]const u8 The title of the plot (used for the legend)
color RGB (u48) The color of the line
width f32 The width of the line


Stem Plot

The options for styling the stem plot are:

Option Type Description
title ?[]const u8 The title of the plot (used for the legend)
color RGB (u48) The color of the stem
width f32 The width of the stem
shape Shape The shape of the points (at the end of the stem)
radius f32 The radius of the points (at the end of the stem)

Create a new plot type

In order to create a new type of plot, all that is needed is to create a struct that contains an interface function, defined as follows:

pub fn interface(self: *const Self) Plot {

The Plot object, contains the following fields:

  • a pointer to the data (*const anyopaque)
  • the title of the plot (?[]const u8) (used for the legend)
  • the color of the plot (RGB (u48)) (used for the legend)
  • a pointer to the get_range_x function *const fn(*const anyopaque) Range(f32)
  • a pointer to the get_range_y function *const fn(*const anyopaque) Range(f32)
  • a pointer to the draw function *const fn(*const anyopaque, Allocator, *SVG, FigureInfo) anyerror!void

You can look at the implementation of the Line, Scatter, Area, Step or Stem plots for examples.


  • Ability to set the title of the axis
  • Ability to add arrows at the end of axis
  • More plot types
    • Bar
    • Histogram
  • Linear Interpolation with the figure border
  • Labels & Markers on Figure
  • Theme

Known issue(s)

  • Imperfect text width calculation for the legend (only when the legend is positioned on the right)