Example the problem Happening on MassTransit 8.0.7

  • Before this, we was using MassTransit 7.3.1
  • Its not a error, because this queues not receive any message or any messages go to deadletter. But, the problem is that ALL queues will receive a different configuration. So these queues cannot be created automatically

What Happens

  • using Azure Service Bus
  • We only configured the Topics (not the queues) but, when the application starts will create QUEUES that was not configured

How To Configure

  • Open the file appsettings.json, edit the json AzureServiceBus with your connection

Example that queues that can't be configured

  • SampleCreatedEvent, SampleDeletedEvent, SampleUpdatedEvent Only could be configured/create the topics with the names

  • sbt-example-sample-SampleCreatedEvent

  • sbt-example-sample-SampleUpdatedEvent

  • sbt-example-sample-SampleDeletedEvent