WebScrapper OLX

This is a simple WebScrapper that use Node, MongoDb and TypeScript Just working on the olx brasil website. (https://www.olx.com.br)

How to Use


git clone {thisRepositoryLink}
cd {thisRepositoryFolder}
npm install

Scrapping just first Page

    npx ts-node src/index.ts

Scrapping Per Page

    npx ts-node src/perPage.ts

Total pages will be configured on the file config.json in the JsonProperty: pagesToSearchData


  • First will find all data on the page
  • Will format the data and populate the model OLXModel
  • If it's the first time that data was scrapped, will send a message on publisher that was configured and save the OlxModel on MongoDb
  • If already exist, will skip for the next.