This article is a data base of all texture and technique used in shader to create effect. It is usefull to learn, inspirate, give detail and link to go further. Help this article to grow up and become a solide resource for graphic programmers.
- Albedo
- VAT (vertex animation texture)
- Flow map
- Gradient map
- Transform color thanks to matrix
- Contributor
Texture that store the brut color of the pixel
Texture that store a noise effect and that will be usefull to avoid flat aspect of nearest texture. This effect give the illusion that the texture containe more detail.
- Monochrome
- Blended with albedo
- Can be small and tiled
With | Without |
Texture that store animation. Each pixel is the local position (or normal) of a vertex. All vertex is in line and animation key correspond to the row.
- GPU animation only (static mesh in CPU)
- Avoid data transfer fro CPU to GPU
- Without bone (without link for colllider, object...). Great for background animation
- Blend is possible with another VAT
Flow map is a texture that allow user to create movement thanks to the UV. This technical is based on the UV tiling but with more complexe movement
Gradiant map is a technical to color monochrome texture fastly and with flexibilty. User can change the gradient map to obtain differentes color effects.
Matrices can be use to translate, rotate, scale, shrink a vector. Color is a vector and this rule can be applyed to it.
- Jonathan Six