
[Bug]Video corruption

JiajunJiang opened this issue · 7 comments

Unity Version


AVPro Movie Capture Version


Which platform(s) are you using?


Which OS version(s) are you using?

IOS 17.5.1

Which rendering API(s) are you using?

No response


No response

Which capture component are you using?

Capture From Texture

Capture mode


Which output mode are you using?

Video file

Video codecs


Audio source


Audio codecs


Any other component configuration

No response

The issue

I recorded the video using a microphone and then played it back through unity's videoplayer, but there was a 5% chance it wouldn't play.

Log output

AVFoundationVideoMedia error while reading unityvfs:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5EB05770-EE89-4D6D-80BA-E6BC4B5E55A6/Library/Caches/Captures/MovieCapture_2024-06-24_01-25-16_1172x2532.mp4
Context: GetNextSampleBuffer (reader failure)
Error details: NSError code: -11880
domain: AVFoundationErrorDomain
desc: Invalid sample cursor
reason: Sample cursor was invalid, or samples were out of range.

🔹 Stopping capture...
🟩 Video capture finished.
🟩 Audio capture finished.
🔹 Stopped, writing file...
🔹 Finished writing
🟩 deallocating instance <MCVideoRecorder: 0x11f317fc0>
🟩 deallocating instance <MCVideoCaptureMetal: 0x300643720>
🟩 deallocating instance <MCAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorVideoCaptureOutput: 0x300917120>

AVFoundationVideoMedia error while reading unityvfs:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/260BA162-0839-4C96-8BAD-1CBA932C49A0/Library/Caches/Captures/MovieCapture_2024-06-24_02-09-28_1172x2532.mp4
Context: GetNextSampleBuffer (reader failure)
Error details: NSError code: -11880
domain: AVFoundationErrorDomain
desc: Invalid sample cursor
reason: Sample cursor was invalid, or samples were out of range.

Add a log

Is it reproducible using a new project and only the AVPro Movie Capture demo scenes?
Does it still occur if you record without audio?

I tried recording only Unity sound and no sound without problems, but I had problems recording microphone sound.

Can you provide the captured video?

Are you able to provide us a copy of the captured video, either here or to

Are you able to provide us a copy of the captured video, either here or to

Unable to reproduce this using:

  • Unity 2022.3.35f1
  • AVPro Movie Capture 5.2.5
  • AVPro Video 3.0.7
  • iPhone X iOS 14.8.1
  • iPhone 12 iOS 17.5.1