
A Load-Balancer for Laravel Artisan (Intended for Windows/Linux development)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Load Balancer for Laravel Artisan (not for production!)

This load balancer script is designed to balance HTTP requests among multiple instances of a server application. It creates a proxy server that listens on port 5000 and forwards incoming requests to one of the instances in a round-robin fashion.


  • Node.js


  • Clone or download this repository.
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you cloned or downloaded the repository.
  • Install the dependencies by running npm install.
  • Start the load balancer by running node load-balancer.js <laravel_artisan_file_path> [instances], where: <server_app_path> is the path to the artisan file of the laravel application.
  • [instances] is the optional number of instances to run. The default value is 8.


Once the load balancer is running, you can access the server application at http://localhost:5000. The load balancer will forward requests to one of the instances in a round-robin fashion.

To stop the load balancer, press CTRL+C in the terminal where it is running. This will also stop all instances of the server application.

Example for Starting the Load Balancer

node load-balancer.js C:\Users\Rene\Desktop\laravel-application\artisan 8

Example for Windows Powershell Profile

  • Open Windows Powershell.
  • Run the command: notepad $profile or code $profile
  • Add the following code to the file:
// Start the load balancer (SLB = Start Load Balancer)
function slb() {
    node C:\Users\Rene\Desktop\test-projects\node-testing\load-balancer.js Get-FullPath\artisan $args

function Get-FullPath {
    # Get the current directory
    $currentDirectory = Get-Location

    # Get the full path of the current directory
    $fullPath = $currentDirectory.Path

    # Return the full path
    return $fullPath
  • Go into your Laravel project directory.
  • Open Windows Powershell.
  • Run the command: slb [instances], where [instances] is the optional number of instances to run. The default value is 8.
  • The load balancer will start and you can access the server application at http://localhost:5000.