A Laravel boilerplate with the latest technologies and best practices to kickstart your project.
- PHP 8.2
- Vite
- TailwindCSS
- InertiaJS
- Vue3
- Docker ready
- Jetstream for authentication and authorization
- Enums for improved database management
- Snowflake for unique ID generation
- Sentry for error tracking and reporting
- Buildset for continuous integration and deployment (Github Actions)
- Laravel 9.x
- Jetstream
- InertiaJS
- Vite
- TailwindCSS (preinstalled Forms, Typography and Aspect Ratio)
- Vue 3
- HeadlessUI
- Heroicons
- Ray (or using free alternative Buggregator)
- Snowflake
- Sentry
- Debugbar
- Laravel IDE Helper
- Spatie's Laravel Permission
- Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/XEPARE/laravel-inertia-boiler.git
- Install composer dependencies composer install
- Install npm dependencies npm install
- Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file cp .env.example .env
- Add database credentials to .env file
- Generate application key php artisan key:generate
- Create tables and seed initial data php artisan migrate --seed
- Run the npm build script npm run dev
- Start the local development server php artisan serve
- You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000
- Login using the default credentials Email: admin@example.com - Password: 123admin456