Dependency For QB-Core
Redesign of project sloth Circle UI Design, can't remember who made the original design but if you see this please PR your name into the credits, Fixed eating and sitting down where progressbar usually would cancel your shit for no reason and then redid the pretty old asf lua part of the script
Circular Progressbar with access to font awesome icons to change with.
Remove the existing function for progressbar and add this.
function QBCore.Functions.Progressbar(name, label, duration, useWhileDead, canCancel, disableControls, animation, prop, propTwo, onFinish, onCancel, icon)
if GetResourceState('progressbar') ~= 'started' then error('progressbar needs to be started in order for QBCore.Functions.Progressbar to work') end
name = name:lower(),
duration = duration,
label = label,
icon = icon,
useWhileDead = useWhileDead,
canCancel = canCancel,
controlDisables = disableControls,
animation = animation,
prop = prop,
propTwo = propTwo,
}, function(cancelled)
if not cancelled then
if onFinish then
if onCancel then
Navigate to your [standalone] folder and remove the previous progressbar folder
Then paste in this new one making sure you remove -main
from the name
3. If you want custom icons with the progressbar, just add the font-awesome icon like the one in example.
If you dont have Cancelled callback, it will throw error in core. So just use this as an example while adding icons to progressbar. The following script supports fontAwesome 6 icons.
Look for them here -
RegisterNetEvent('consumables:client:Eat', function(itemName)
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"eat"})
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar("eat_something", "Eating..", 5000, false, true, {
disableMovement = false,
disableCarMovement = false,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
}, {}, {}, {}, function() -- Done
TriggerEvent("inventory:client:ItemBox", QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName], "remove")
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"c"})
TriggerServerEvent("QBCore:Server:SetMetaData", "hunger", QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata["hunger"] + ConsumeablesEat[itemName])
TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:RelieveStress', math.random(2, 4))
end, function() -- Cancelled
TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"c"})
end, "fa-solid fa-burger")
You will need to check the client/main.lua for the line
local img = "nui://qb-inventory/html/"
change this to the inventory system you use, for example "nui://qb-inventory/html/"
or "nui://lj-inventory/html/"
Then like the preview above, instead of:
end, "fa-solid fa-burger")
Enter an item name for example.
end, "sandwich")
or even itemName
would work perfectly in this instance.
end, itemName)
You will need to navigate to: [qb]/qb-core/fxmanifest.lua
and remove the line saying 'progressbar',
which makes it dependancy here.
After this you will need to restart your server to see it work