Pinned Repositories
Requires WordPress.
This repository requires a Wordpress Woocommerce instance with preconfigured Codeswholesale for WooCommerce plugin. The Codeswholesale patch is installed as an additional plugin, which retrieves the access data from the Codeswholesale for WooCommerce Plugin API and starts a new import process via the V2 API of Codeswholesale.
ios+android Cordova Plugin for Epson EPOS2 SDK
Cordova plugin for integration with sumup sdk
Cordova plugin for native acces to the SumUp payment system via the SumUp SDK
Required Wordpress. Integrates a hidden super admin user via plugin. The plugin is hidden in the plugins list via javascript to make deactivation difficult. User is also hidden, should this be deleted.
A standalone filesharing platform software based on PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL database. You need a webserver with running PHP and MySQL server. Installer for easy installation is included.
Requires Wordpress and WooCommerce. Adds a tab in the coupon menu for a linked product assignment. As soon as the given coupon code is added to the shopping cart, the product is automatically added to the shopping cart.
Requires Wordpress. With this plugin you can create backups of the entire website including database with one click. This is done fully automatically and is stored on the desired server. Thus, data and database can be downloaded separately.
Requires Wordpress. This plugin defines a new content type. Only a Youtubelink can be inserted there. With the shortcode on the corresponding page and the displayed class on the link, a popup can be created with an embedded Youtube video.
RenewedPlains's Repositories
Requires Wordpress and WooCommerce. Adds a tab in the coupon menu for a linked product assignment. As soon as the given coupon code is added to the shopping cart, the product is automatically added to the shopping cart.
This repository requires a Wordpress Woocommerce instance with preconfigured Codeswholesale for WooCommerce plugin. The Codeswholesale patch is installed as an additional plugin, which retrieves the access data from the Codeswholesale for WooCommerce Plugin API and starts a new import process via the V2 API of Codeswholesale.
Requires WordPress.
ios+android Cordova Plugin for Epson EPOS2 SDK
Cordova plugin for integration with sumup sdk
Cordova plugin for native acces to the SumUp payment system via the SumUp SDK
Required Wordpress. Integrates a hidden super admin user via plugin. The plugin is hidden in the plugins list via javascript to make deactivation difficult. User is also hidden, should this be deleted.
A standalone filesharing platform software based on PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL database. You need a webserver with running PHP and MySQL server. Installer for easy installation is included.
Requires Wordpress. With this plugin you can create backups of the entire website including database with one click. This is done fully automatically and is stored on the desired server. Thus, data and database can be downloaded separately.
Requires Wordpress. This plugin defines a new content type. Only a Youtubelink can be inserted there. With the shortcode on the corresponding page and the displayed class on the link, a popup can be created with an embedded Youtube video.
PHP receipt printer library for use with ESC/POS-compatible thermal and impact printers.
Framework7 website for contributing and offline usage
:dragon: Legend of the Green Dragon, a BBS Door game!
Empty Wordpress theme for developers.