
The main challenge Rocketseat's GoStack. 🚚💨

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FastFeet, The future of parcel deliveries! 📫 🚚💨

Your order treated with great affection. 💌

Cloning this project

$ git clone https://github.com/RennanD/fastfeet.git


❗️ Requisites

To runed this all project, you need have be the packages installed:

💾 Backend

  • API RESTFUL created with Node.js using express.

  • For database use PostgresSQL with sequelize.

⚡️ Start

  • For use this api you need have be installed PostgresSQL, I'm use Docker, but this is optional.
  • If you don't want installing DOCKER, use convencional Postgres installation.

Runing Postgres using DOCKER: 🐋

  • In your terminal, run this commands:
$ docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

If you already have a container with Postgres, run:

$ docker start "CONTAINER DOCKER ID"
  • For background jobs I'm using Redis with DOCKER.
  • If you don't want installing DOCKER, use convencional installation of Redis via package maneger.

-- For windows: Chocolatey -- For MacOs: Brew -- For linux (Ubuntu/Debian): Apt

Runing Redis using DOCKER: 🐋

$ docker run --name some-redis -d redis

If you already have a container with Rerdis, run:

$ docker start "CONTAINER DOCKER ID"

Environments varibles:

  • in backend root, add a .env file;
  • Fill in the .env file based on the .env.example file;


Now in your terminal:

  • To init Fastfeet database, navigate to your project folder and run:
$ cd backend

$ yarn

$ yarn sequelize db:create

$ yarn sequelize db:migrate

$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all


  • To init Fastfeet server, run:
$ yarn dev
  • Open new tab in your terminal, navigate to the project/backend folder and run:
$ yarn queue


To debugin, run:

yarn dev:debug

🖥 Frontend web

⚡️ Start web application

  • In your terminal, open new tab, navigate to project/frontend folder and run:
$ yarn
$ yarn start

🚚💜 The Web app

  • To login as admin in web admin aplication, use this credencials
E-mail: admin@fastefeet.com.br
Password: 123456

Application gif demo

📱💜 The app mobile

⚡️ Start mobile application

  • Use the react-native-cli to run this app.

  • In the services/api.js file, place the host your backend is running on, for example: http://localhost.:3333

  • In your terminal, open new tab, navigate to project/mobile folder and run:

$ yarn


  • Runing this app in IOS devices.

❗️ Requisites:

  • You need have been installed the XCode
$ cd ios
$ pod install
$ cd ..
$ react-native run-ios

👾 Android

  • Runing this app in Android devices.

❗️ Requisites:

$ adb reverse tcp:3333 tcp:3333
$ react-native run-android
  • Obs.: change tcp:3333 for your backend port.


  • sign in aplcations as deliveryman, you use your ID (Deliveryman ID).

Application gif demo