Link to the live app:
This app allows users to take english listening comprehension quizzes. The first screen the user sees is the title page with instructions on how to use the app and a list of the apps. From this page the user can click on one of the quizzes to go to a quiz. Once the quiz is started each question plays an audio or video and presents fill in the blank sentences for the student to fill out. At the end of the quiz the student sees how many questions they got wrong or right. Administrators can create new quizzes, and edit quizzes and questions.
HTML5, CSS3, React, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.
link to live api:
Settings in ./postgrator.js
module.exports = {
PORT: process.env.PORT || 8000,
NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
DATABASE_URL: process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://postgres@localhost/quiz',
TEST_DATABASE_URL: process.env.TEST_DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://postgres@localhost/quiz-test'
Using postgrator behind scenes to read .sql
files in ./migrations
npm run migrate
to migrate to latest schemanpm run migrate -- 1
to migrate to step 1 of schemanpm run migrate -- 0
to completely rollback schema
Use the files inside ./seeds
e.g. to seed the database named quiz
psql -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME -f ./seeds/seed.quiz_questions.sql
psql -U postgres -d quiz -f ./seeds/seed.quiz_questions.sql
psql -U postgres -d quiz -f ./seeds/seed.quizzes.sql
GET /api/quiz
- get all quizzes
POST /api/quiz
- create a quiz
GET /api/quiz/:quizId
- get a specific quiz
PATCH /api/quiz/:quizId
- update a specific quiz
DELETE /api/quiz/:quizId
- delete a specific quiz
GET /api/questions
- get all questions
POST /api/questions
- create a question
GET /api/quiz/:quizNum/questions
- get all questions from a specific quiz
GET /api/questions/:id
- get a specific question
PATCH /api/questions/:id
- update a specific question
DELETE /api/questions/:id
- delete a specific question
- Express Welcome to Express
for running the app:
is being used by ./src/server.js
to initialize knex.
The expected format is:
You should only need DATABASE_URL
to start the application.
There are default values set in ./src/config.js
but they probably won't work for you. You should set your own values for it in your .env