Gungnir is a blog theme for Jekyll. It is derived from Huxpro/, thanks for this theme.
Gungnir is the spear of the god Odin in Norse mythology.
中文说明 | English Intro
Check out the live demo here.
Check out the documentation here. It supports Chinese and English now.
- Fully responsive
- Multi-level navigation menu
- Switchable cover images for home page
- Dark and light themes: system theme detection with a theme-switcher to set the theme as per the user preference
- Search (based on Simple-Jekyll-Search)
- Table of contents (based on Tocbot)
- Syntax highlighting based on Highlight.js, support opening code blocks in full screen and highlighting the current line (adapted from a WordPress theme Sakura)
- Support Mathjax, Katex, Chart.js and mermaid
- Additional styles (alert and tag)
- Support Markdown emoji (based on jemoji) and additional emoji (for example, bilibili tv)
- Comments (Gitalk, Disqus and Valine)
- About, Portfolio and Link page
Inherit from the original theme:
- Archive page with tags
- Multilingual article
- Analytics (Google Analytics and Baidu Tongji)
git clone
cd jekyll-theme-gungnir
# install denpendencies
bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
# local preview
bundle exec jekyll serve
Gungnir is Apache License 2.0 licensed, see the LICENSE file for details.