A monorepo, short for "monolithic repository", is an approach to software development in which everything

A project's source code is stored in a single version control repository, such as Git. Instead of splitting the code

in multiple repositories (separate repositories for different parts of the project), a monorepo contains all components, modules and libraries

related to the project in one place.

commands to run the project, lint and format

npx turbo run dev: This command starts a local server in development mode for your project. It will likely open a local instance of your web application so you can work on it and see changes in real time as you develop.

npx turbo run lint: with this command a linter is running, which is a static code analysis tool. The linter helps identify and flag problematic patterns or errors in your code, ensuring that it complies with certain codin}3g rules or standards.

npx turbo run format: This command is related to formatting your code. It uses a code formatter, such as Prettier or ESLint, to ensure that your code is formatted according to a specific style, which helps maintain consistency and readability in the code.

to run lint in a specific repository that we have in the monorepo, we directly enter the repository and execute the respective command