Sitecore DynamicSitemap

Sitecore sitemap module that tries to be as much flexible and configurable as possible.

It has two main assumptions:

  • Flexible configuration

    Gives end user as many as possible configuration options. It is easier to edit Sitecore items than edit and deploy config files.

  • Extensibility

    Code functionality should be extensible and overridable. It should be easy to extend or override functionality, without decompiling and copy-pasting a lot of code.

Module was based on the original Sitemap XML module

New features:

  • Configurations for sites controlled from Content Editor
  • Defining < changefreq > and < priority > tags for templates and specified items
  • Language fallback for configuration items
  • Overridable method ProcessItems() for specifing own low-level logic
  • Generating sitemap index file

Original Sitemap XML features

  • Multisite and multilanguage support
  • Automatically updated robots.txt file
  • Physical XML sitemaps files generation
  • Automatic sitemap submit on publish


  • Install zip package using Sitecore Package Installer


  • Dynamic Sitemap XML provides Sitecore.SharedSource.DynamicSitemap.config configuration file installed in /App_Config/Include directory.

Setting that can be specified there:

  • sitemapConfigurationOutputFolder - folder where will be generated sitemap xml files
  • refreshRobotsFile (true or false) - indicates that robots.txt file will be updated with references to sitemap xml files
  • xmlnsTpl - sitemap module schema used for the XML sitemap
  • database - the database from which to pull items for generating the sitemap
  • productionEnvironment - (true or false) determines whether the sitemap should be submitted to the search engines or not