
Frontend for libtrkcvt, specifically designed for S3M -> STM/S3M -> STX converison; THIS IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED, SEE https://codeberg.org/repellantsoftware/Screamverter/

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC


standard-readme compliant

A command line tool to downgrade (that being a very heavy keyword) Scream Tracker 3 modules to Scream Tracker 2 modules, written in ANSI C.

Table of Contents


This uses the CMake build system, but it should not be too difficult to compile yourself. This repo uses a submodule for the internals (libtrkcvt), so make sure to run git submodule update --init before you attempt to compile!


screamverter [options] -i<inputfile> -o<outputfile>

# Options:
#   -h, --help       Print this help and exit
#   -v, --verbose    Enable extremely verbose output
#   -s, --sanitize   Sanitize sample names during conversion, useful for saving them on DOS
#   -m, --memory     Handle effects calling effect memory (helps with Scream Tracker 2.24 and below)
#   -2, --stm        Convert the S3M to STM (default)
#   -x, --stx        Convert the S3M to STX (unfinished)
#   -i, --input      Input file
#   -o, --output     Output file


These points are important for a decent conversion.

  • 4 channels preferably (it only converts the first four channels.)
  • Sample sizes cannot exceed 65535 (and samples cannot be in 16-bit format.)
  • No panning (Scream Tracker 2/Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit is mono) or Adlib.
  • Sample names are gonna truncated heavily to 12 characters if its file name field is blank.
  • You can only use effects A - J, with some caveats with the table shown below.
  • This converter strips out all end markers on the order list, which may not be desired unless you add a Bxx to the last pattern you intend for the listener.
Effect Function in ST2/STMIK - in ST3/others Notes/Quirks (Effect memory does not exist in Scream Tracker 2, so a parameter of 0 will act like a no-op for any effect that normally has it. (e.g. volume slide, portamento slides, vibrato, etc.))
Axx Set speed - Set ticks per row It has a scaling factor (TODO: somehow get tempo to approximate in said scaling factor) alongside setting ticks per row .
Bxx Set next order - Position jump It does not perform an immediate pattern break unlike most other trackers, so it's best to place it alongside a Pattern break.
Cxx Pattern break The parameter is ignored which is identical behavior to NoiseTracker.
Dxy Volume slide There's no fine slides, and y will take priority if both x and y are specified.
Exx Portamento down This effect can cause the note period to underflow, and there are no fine/extra-fine slides.
Fxx Portamento up This effect can cause the note period to overflow, ditto for fine/extra-fine slides.
Gxx Tone portamento It does not reset the sample volume unlike most other trackers.
Hxy Vibrato The depth is doubled compared to other trackers, this converter will attempt to adjust the depth accordingly.
Ixy Tremor A parameter of 0 will be a very fast tremor, like old Scream Tracker 3.
Jxy Arpeggio The effect behaves strangely since it tends to skip to y halfway through a row if x was 0, and just implemented strangely in general.
Kxx (No-op) This can be entered into the editor but it does not do anything, it also bugs out Scream Tracker 3's importer so it's best to not use it!
Lxx (No-op) Ditto.
Mxx (No-op) Ditto.
Nxx (No-op) Ditto.
Oxx (No-op) Ditto.


@RepellantMold @cs127


PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


ISC © 2024 RepellantMold
