
This software aims to be engaged in any system and without any additional line programming is required, the final code is automatically optimized.

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This software aims to be engaged in any system and without any additional line programming is required, the final code is automatically optimized.


  • Minify HTML
  • Minify CSS
  • Unify CSS
  • Minify JavaScript
  • Unify Javascript
  • LazyLoad Images
  • Spritify CSS Images
  • Remove (Unify) CSS Imports
  • Static files on cookieless domain



Add these lines to your composer.json:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "git@github.com:ControleOnline/speed-up-essentials.git"
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "git@github.com:tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port.git"
    "require": {
        "controleonline/speed-up-essentials": "*",
        "tubalmartin/cssmin": "*"
    "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": [
            "git describe --abbrev=0 --tags > .version"


Default settings

$config = array(
        'APP_ENV' => 'production', //Default configs to production or development
        'CookieLessDomain' => 'static.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
        'charset' => 'utf-8',
        'RemoveMetaCharset' =>true,
        'URIBasePath' => '/',
        'PublicBasePath' => 'public/',
        'PublicCacheDir' => 'public/cache/',
        'LazyLoadImages' =>true,
        'LazyLoadClass' => 'lazy-load',
        'LazyLoadPlaceHolder' => '',
        'LazyLoadFadeIn' => true,
        'LazyLoadJsFile' => true,
        'LazyLoadJsFilePath' => 'js/vendor/ControleOnline/',
        'LazyLoadCssFilePath' => 'css/vendor/ControleOnline/',
        'HtmlRemoveComments' => true, //Only in Production
        'HtmlIndentation' => true, //Only in development
        'HtmlMinify' => true, //Only in Production
        'JavascriptIntegrate' => true, //Only in Production
        'JavascriptCDNIntegrate' => true,
        'JavascriptMinify' => true, //Only on Production
        'JsMinifiedFilePath' => 'js/vendor/ControleOnline/',
        'CssIntegrate' => true, //Only in Production
        'CssMinify' => true, //Only in Production
        'CssMinifiedFilePath' => 'css/vendor/ControleOnline/',
        'CssRemoveImports' => true
        'CacheId' (is_file('.version')) ? file_get_contents('.version'). '/' : date('Y/m/d/H/'));

Zend 2

In your config/application.config.php confiruração add the following:

$modules = array(
return array(
    'modules' => $modules,
    'module_listener_options' => array(
        'module_paths' => array(
        'config_glob_paths' => array(

In your module.config.php file:

namespace YourNameSpace;

return array(
        'speed_up_essentials' => array(
                //Configs of SpeedUpEssentials here

To use without Zend

** Send your HTML **


$config = array(); // If you do not use any configuration, all will be enabled.

$SpeedUpEssentials = new \SpeedUpEssentials($config);
echo  $SpeedUpEssentials->render('<html>.....</html>');


** Taking the buffer **


* You code here (including echo)

$config = array(); // If you do not use any configuration, all will be enabled.
$SpeedUpEssentials = new \SpeedUpEssentials($config);
echo  $SpeedUpEssentials->render(ob_get_contents());