- (University of Reading) A Beginner's Guide to Writing in English for University Study EN PROGRESO * Semana 1
The keys are That is Content, Organisation, and Language.
- The main ideas and information you want to give
- What are the main points you want to make?
- What evidence?
- Details and examples
- The paragraphs well-structured and in a logical order
- Well linked togethe
- Order
- Introduction, conclusion
- Well written with accurate grammar
- Good spelling
- Formal academic style
- Structure: Introduction, body, conclusion.
- (main idea, support text) Giving examples to support your points.
- A link to the previous paragraph.
- your ideas are linked together in a logical way, and that other people can follow what you are trying to say.
- The question should be answered precisely.
- Written a longer conclusion.
- First sentence should Connect to the previous paragraph and Summarise the topic of the paragraph.
- Accurate grammar is important for easy reading and undertand
- Academic writing should be impersonal or objective
- Academic writing is not usually personal
- Observing the world as an onlooker
- Ejemplo
- Personal: Diet is also changing. We are wealthier than a generation ago
- Impersonal: Diet is also changing. People are wealthier than a generation ago
- Writers often use ‘there is’ or ‘there are’, to present new information to the reader
- Facts: Which are permanent or always true (Present simple)
- Activities: Which are repeated or regular. (Present simple)
- Present simple is used for permanent situations
- Present continuos is used for temporary or changing situations
- It's quite common to use a plural noun without "the" to do this
- Quantity expressions for groups:
- Large groups:
- the majority
- most
- Nearly everyone
- many
- almost all
- Small groups:
- a few
- some
- not many
- Large groups:
- Clausure
- Simple
- subject + verb + rest
- ej: {Bananas + grow + in hot contries}
- Compound
- subject + verb + , (coma) + linking word + simple clausure
- ej: {This + is + the beginning of a worldwide epidemic} + , + and + {the situation + is + very worrying}
- Linken words:
- but => to give contrasting information
- or => to give another possibility
- and => to give additional information
- so => to show a result
- Complex sentence
- simple clause + subordinator + simple clause
- ej: {Jogging + increases the heart rate} + because + {the heart + is working hard to pump more blood around the body.}
- ej: Whereas + {jogging + increases the heart rate + , + {yoga + improves flexibility and balance}}
- Subordinators:
- although => to show something unexpected
- when => to show time or sequence
- because => to give a reason
- whereas => to compare
- Simple
- Title
- Introduction (background)
- Introduction (thesis statement)
- What is in the essay: This essay will discuss […]
- (essay outline sentence) Answer to the question in the title: to improve […] to study
- Paragraph 1 (paragraph leader)
- Paragraph 1 (paragraph body)
- Paragraph 2 (paragraph leader)
- Paragraph 2 (paragraph body)
- Conclusion (summary)
- Conclusion (future suggestion: a prediction, recommendation or solution)
- Analyse the title
- Whats is the hidden question?
- Collect all the ideas you have
- Aswer the hidden question (3 main ideas)
- Draw a diagram to show which ideas and evidence to use
- Use essay structure
- Write your plan
- Write your first draft
- Ask for feedback on your first draft
- Write your final draft
You’re going to be asked to give feedback on the following aspects of the author’s assignment:
- Intro: Does the introduction include some general background to the title?
- Intro: Is there a thesis statement?
- Is the topic focus of each paragraph clear? Are the ideas in each paragraph supported with details and examples?
- Conclusion: Does the conclusion sum up the main ideas of the essay?
- Conclusion: Is there a suggestion for the future (a recommendation or prediction or solution)?
- is to think of some ideas - es pensar en algunas ideas
- It is about halfway between - esta a mitad de camino entre ...
- stay because of - se quedan por ...
- Sometimes though - sin embargo
- Although it is - aunque es ...
- Instead - en cambio/en lugar de
- rather than - en lugar de ...
- , ... and so does not ... - por lo que no ...
- which means - lo cual singinifica
- aid - ayudar o ayuda (cosa de ayuda)
- Nearly everyone - casi todos
- as we go along - a medida que avanzamos
- Don't rush ahead - no te apresures
- You are going to be asked to give feedback - Se le pedirá que de su feedback
- due to lack of - falta de ...