Dungeon Diver

Create a party of four adventurers embarking deep into a peculiar dungeon, for glory, wealth, and the thrill of adventure, and with danger awaiting in every turn

Patterns used:

State Pattern: Every stage of the game is contained in a State (all found in the state package) to easily add various isolated scenarios like shopping, descending, and battling without the need for long, nested if statements

Builder Pattern: Used to easily make equipments such as Armors and Weapons where not all the fields need to be changed on creation.

(Used in Equipment/EquippableBuilder.java, Spells/SpellBuilder.java, Items/ItemBuilder.java, and Attacks/AttackBuilder.java)

Command Pattern: Used to turn Actions into objects and placed into (once a sorted list) into a queue where they are executed one by one in battle

(Used in Actionable.java, Action.java and ActionTurn.java for the execution)

Actionables are objects the player has like items/spells that can return actions (heal, damage, etc.). Actions themselves are objects and can be put on lists before they are executed.

Singleton Pattern: Characters/AllyClassList.java is a singleton that contains every class that the player can select their adventurer to be. Every time we add a new choose-able class, we only need to update this in order for it to reflect to the entire game

OOP Java Capstone by F1-Group4 Batch 2023 for CSIT-227

a project for sera2