(ImageNet pretrained models) The official pytorch implemention of the TPAMI paper "Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture"
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Code Copyright Issues
#77 opened by Summerx026 - 3
#73 opened by easy2star - 1
#76 opened by VagoLapis - 0
self-supervised training on Imagenet
#75 opened by ForawardStar - 0
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About SSLD pretrained model
#72 opened by cuicheng01 - 2
#71 opened by zp5070 - 2
#70 opened by laocan - 1
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#48 opened by hyperia-steven - 3
#49 opened by LiGithubYu - 1
pretraindedModels without aspp's state_dict
#47 opened by ActonMartin - 3
Input dimension doesn't match
#46 opened by ZangHuanyu - 1
some other question
#51 opened by UestcJay - 13
Res2NeXt on Cifar100
#36 opened by qiangwang57 - 4
#55 opened by wangziyan1234 - 6
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#58 opened by laborer123 - 6
Can res2net have a basic block structure?
#60 opened by BuilderNet - 2
Res2Net object detection
#61 opened by stanislavkuskov - 2
#63 opened by Lan2Kailee - 1
How to determine the width parameter
#66 opened by drcege - 3
About ResNet18?
#67 opened by Rashfu - 1
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What is baseWidth?
#64 opened by udkii - 3
About stype.stage
#65 opened by Liqq1 - 1
Confused on tensor splitting
#35 opened by koyakuwe - 4
MMDetection v2里的Res2Net是Res2Net_v1b版本的吗?
#42 opened by XianYuZhiWang - 0
#62 opened by LiGithubYu - 1
How to pre train res2net myself?
#56 opened by yangyang222244 - 0
width = int(math.floor(planes * (baseWidth/64.0)))
#59 opened by shezhi - 1
Transforming Res2net
#54 opened by Dhyey-Savaliya - 1
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training hyperparameter
#38 opened by wangbin2018 - 4
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#44 opened by bixiaopeng0 - 1
Why basewidth is divided by constant value of 64?
#41 opened by 009deep - 1
res2net50 mmdetection v2
#40 opened by dereyly - 3
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difference between res2net and res2net_v1b
#31 opened by junliang230 - 3
#37 opened by swjtulinxi - 1
#39 opened by michaelschleiss - 5
In mmdetection,applying DCNv2 in the Res2Net code will cause errors, while DCN will not?
#30 opened by Taylor-X76 - 5
top-1 error top-5 error
#34 opened by henbucuoshanghai - 16
convert to tensorRT model
#33 opened by shuaizzZ - 3
Some Questions about other network
#32 opened by UestcJay - 5
load pretrain model issue
#29 opened by zzzmm1 - 1
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how i use the Res2Net in res2Net-maskrcnn
#26 opened by RLiBIn