
A celery task that fetches the invoice data from a FTP Server (similar to Client 3) once per day and uploads it to the existing API

Primary LanguagePython

Task Description

A celery task that fetches the invoice data from a FTP Server (similar to Client 3) once per day and uploads it to the existing API.


  • Django
  • Celery
  • Redis

Needed Setup Tools

  • Virtual environment for installing requirements
  • An .env file for storing secrets


  • All tasks in the project are run once the app, celery and the redis worker are up and running

  • To start the app, python manage.py runserver

  • To run the redis worker: redis server

  • To run celery and see a list of available tasks, activate the venv, then run

    • python3 -m celery -A invoice_scheduler worker -l info
  • To run the Celery worker as a background process

    • celery -A invoice_scheduler --workdir=. beat -l info --logfile=celery.beat.log --detach
    • celery -A invoice_scheduler --workdir=. worker -l info --logfile=celery.log --detach
  • To view the status and logs of the background tasks

    • cat celery.beat.log
    • cat celery.log
  • To kill all worker processes

    • pkill -f "celery worker"