
Emotional appraisal in Reinforcement Learning Agents

Primary LanguagePython


Emotional appraisal in Reinforcement Learning Agents.

We implement a cognitive form of emotion in reinforcement learning agents, who perform appraisals of their situation and alter their behavior based on the emotion elicited. In particular, we formulate three appraisal variables: motivational relevance, novelty, and accountability, that reinforcement learning agents can use to appraise fully or partially-observable state representations from the environment. We design a neural network based agent architecture and propose environments and learning algorithms to learn internal models of these appraisal variables over interactions between each agent and the environment.


  1. Install the included gym_minigrid as a package
pip install -e gym-minigrid
  1. Run the training, visualization, and evaluation scripts. To obtain the
cd appraisal_rl
python train.py/visualize.py/evaluate.py --flags
  1. To obtain the result in our report, train:
python train.py --algo ppo --env MiniGrid-Dynamic-Obstacles-Random-10x10-v0 --model 10x10_Appraisal --frames 500000 --recurrence 4 --lr 5e-3 --batch-size 360   
  1. Visualize the result:
python visualize.py --env MiniGrid-Dynamic-Obstacles-Random-10x10-v0 --model 10x10_Appraisal
  1. You can use tensorboard to view the training logs.
tensorboard --logdir storage
