
docker compose up 


docker compose up -d 

For Detached mode.


Cache Proxy is a project as a smart cache layer designed to enhance the interaction between a JSON API and users. One of the standout features is the ability for users to dynamically generate their own data structures based on the information they receive. This unique functionality allows for a highly customizable and adaptable approach to data handling within the application.


Tag Method Path Overview Description
Database PATCH /data/reset Reset database Overwrites the database from BASE_URL (by default) or from the input file.
Client GET /data/client-columns Get client columns Returns the client columns that are currently relevant for client representation.
Client PATCH /data/client-columns Reset client columns Reset the client columns that should be currently relevant for client representation.
Client GET /entities/clients Return clients Returns clients that have current fields from data/client-columns
Workplace GET /data/workplace-columns Get workplace columns Returns the workplace columns that are currently relevant for workplace representation.
Workplace PATCH /data/workplace-columns Reset workplace columns Reset the workplace columns that should be currently relevant for workplace representation.
Workplace GET /entities/workplace Return workplaces Returns workplaces that have current fields from data/workplace-columns
Profession GET /data/profession-columns Get profession columns Returns the profession columns that are currently relevant for profession representation.
Profession PATCH /data/profession-columns Reset profession columns Reset the profession columns that should be currently relevant for profession representation.
Profession GET /entities/professions Return professions Returns professions that have current fields from data/profession-columns
Search GET /search Return search result by query Simple search, the search string is passed through the GET request parameters
Search POST /search Return search result by query, clientid, palaceid, profid Parameterized search via POST request. Form-data can be passed as parameters: clientid, placed, profit, searchstring. If the client id and/or placeid and/or profit are filled in, then the search is performed taking into account the filter.

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