
My Networks Projects [ECE358]


My Networks Projects [ECE358]

  • Lab 1: Created thorough, real time simulations of M/M/1 and M/M/1/K queues for the store and forward networking algorithm for packets
  • Lab 2:
    • Task 1: Developed a web server that parses GET and HEAD requests and returns output for them from an HTML file.
    • Task 2: Designed and implemented an authoritative DNS server using a client-server system leveraging UDP sockets.

Please contact me if you want learn more about the project and/or want to see the code. (Redacted for confidentiality and compliance with P-71)


  • Languages: Python/C++/C, HTML
  • Libraries/Frameworks/Tools: Numpy, Matplotlib
  • Other:
    • Concepts: Store and Forward Algorithm, Poisson/Exponential Distributions, Web Servers, TCP Stack, DNS Servers, UDP/TCP Sockets & Programming, OOP, Queues/Heaps/Deques, Simulations & Performance, Multi-threading/Multi-processing & Concurrency, MakeFiles, Bit & Hex Manipulation