
An exercise tracker for logging and monitoring daily physical activity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Throughout my childhood, I always enjoyed going outside over anything. I played competitive soccer. I played basketball and soccer on my elementary and high-school teams. I even later got into weight-training and cardio and I still continue to be physically active to this day.

I eventually decided to monitor my exercise in order to get stronger and more fit. My brother first started by bringing a notebook everywhere and logging down his exercises, but he found that to be a nuisance. So, I decided to create an ExerTracker which helped me and my brother log exercises. We dont like sharing our progress with people, so I implemented a little twist in my app.


  • Super easy-to-use and appealing interface. Includes functionality to log, edit, and store exercises.
  • Includes a secure login page. (so that people I want using this app can only use it)
  • Exercise logs are stored in a backend Mongo Database.


  • Programming languages: HTML, JavaScript, CSS
  • Libraries/Frameworks: React.js, Express.js, Node.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Other: JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)