
My LeetCoding Journey.

Primary LanguagePython


My Leetcoding Journey

*EDITS SINCE 09/11/2023

  • Preferably, LC in the lang you are best with/the company uses in their codebase.
  • I like Python for LC. I can focus more on problem-solving and analysis rather than syntax/programming lang specifics (memory deallocation in C/C++, static types in Java/C#, etc).
  • Considering LC in Golang, Rust, and C/C++
    • Golang is widely adopted in web services, Rust in systems programming, C/C++ for systems programming, firmware, and low level development (all of which are highly praised nowadays).
  • The 3 langs mentioned above also support concurrency and multi-threading a ton; it is essential nowadays so my solutions going forward may include parallelized solutions :/