
A visualizations tool for maze-solving algorithms.

Primary LanguageC++


Honestly, when I first took Fundamentals of Programming and Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, I wasnt the greatest at it. So from inspiration online, I created a tool that would help me learn a few algorithms that I found to be the most difficult conceptually - graphing algorithms.

Boom. MazeRunner.


  • A very appealing and aesthetic UI for visualizing how graphing algorithms work.
  • Includes adaptability to input preset mazes or randomly generated ones of different dimensions. Can run the visualization at different speeds, with or without animations.
  • A user can choose where the algorithm starts and stops. There is definitely a replay-ability factor here.


  • Programming languages: C++
  • Libraries/Frameworks: SFML
  • Other: Data Structures and Algorithms - DFS, BFS, Best First, Dijkstra's Algorithm