
Simple single page application that allows the user to participate in a lottery. The user picks a hat from the list, pays a fee to enter the game and, if the transaction is succesful, is displayed with the result. In case the user picked the correct hat, he will be able to mint a token with the metadata of that hat (Only mintable once for each hat).

Built With

  • Hardhat
  • Ethers
  • React
  • Redux

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Clone the repo by running git clone
  • Navigate to the repository's folder and run npm install.
  • Run npx hardhat node to run the development network.
  • Run npm start to compile and launch the React front-end.


You need MetaMask in order to get the full experience of this app. Make sure you have your testnet set up and grab a private key from the Hardhat node that you start by running npx hardhat node, you'll get 10000 test ethers for your transactions.

In order to have a contract deployed locally, you need to compile the Hat.sol file by running in your local terminal npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network localhost, this will output the address of your smart contract that you'll need to put inside the contractAddr.js file, under the folder utils.


Run tests

Run the command npx hardhat test.


👤 Robert Baiesita


  • Ethereum Remix for testing the smart contract.
  • OpenZeppelin for the base of the ERC-721 contract.
  • ZirconFinance for the opportunity given.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.