Abit About A lot

An Express application with user authorization and login using MongoDb.


How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express, MongoDB

This was my second attempt at making an Express application with user authorization. I created paths for users to create reviews to be added on the homescreen before logging in or signing up. I saved all the data to a online MongoDB and retreived and posted it where I wanted like the comments section, homepage, etc. I styled it to look more professional and clean rather than just anything anywhere. I also scrabbled the passwords in case of the database ever being hacked(even tho there is nothing to see there.) hope this may come in handy with any of your endeavors.

Lessons Learned:

I learned new ways of creating endpoints and pathways for gathering the information i wanted and showing it where I wanted.


  1. Clone repo
  2. run npm install


  1. run node server.js
  2. Navigate to localhost:8080