A general MQTT wrapper framework for the TM1638Plus library, designed for installation on the ESP8266 family of microcontrollers. It has been designed using Model 1 of the TM1638 display board (shown above) and it has not been tested on other models.
In addition to providing MQTT wrapper functions, the framework also provides the following:
- Wifi, MQTT and option setting via header files - no need to write or modify code
- Over-the-air (OTA) update capabilities (after initial load)
- Clock and date modes, plus other examples included in the code
While designed primarily for use with Home Assistant as an alternative to ESPHome, it should function with any MQTT broker or application. For information on wiring and more, please see the following:
- YouTube: TM1638 with ESPHome and MQTT for Home Assistant
- Written Blog: TM1638 7-Segment Display with ESPHome or MQTT