Synology NAS monitoring
The main points of this project are:
- Persistence is supported via mounting volumes to a Docker container.
- Grafana will store its data in SQLite files instead of a MySQL.
- Added snmp packages and Synology NAS MIBS.
- Enable
Enable SNMP
- From Control panel in your Synology NAS go to Terminal & SNMP
- Click on SNMP tab, and enable SNMPv1, SNMPv2 service
- in Community input put public
- Save
Run Docker image in your Synology
- Install Docker from Synology package center
- Create two empty folders in your Synology influxdb and grafana, we need to use it later to mount it to our container.
- Open Docker client from Synology > Image > Add > Add from url and paste Hub page url ""
- Wait until it finishes downloading the image
- Click on the image "alhazmy13/telegraf-influxdb-grafana" and then click on Launch
- Network Tab keep it in bridge mode
- Check "Enable auto-restart."
- Port settings, just change Local port for 3003 from Auto to 3003, and port 514 from Auto to 5144
- In Volume settings, click Add folder and select the first folder that we created, "grafana" and on mount Path, paste /var/lib/grafana
- In Volume settings again, click Add Folder and select the second folder that we created "influxdb" and on mount Path paste /var/lib/influxdb
- [OPTIONAL] Environment Tab > Add new variable "TZ" with your local time zone ignore this if you want to use the default UTC
- Apply, Next, Done and your container should be ready.
Start Grafana
- Open http://YOUR_LOCAL_NAS_IP:3003 and login with the default username root and password root
- You need to import the dashboard. To do this, go to http://YOUR_LOCAL_NAS_IP:3003/dashboard/import and put 14590 in "Import via" input
- Click on load and complete the process
Enable Logging
- Install Log center From Synology package center
- Open Log center app
- Click on Log Sending > check "Send log to syslog server"
- Set Server = localhost, port = 5144, Protocol = UDP, Format = BSD (RFC 3164)
- For testing, click on "Send test log"
- Apply
Configure Firewall
If the firewall is enabled, then you need to add a new rule for port UDP/161, This is mandatory otherwise, some data will be missing from the dashboard alhazmy13#7 .
- Open Control panel
- Security -> Firewall
- Edit Rules -> Create New Rule
- In the ports section, select from a built-in applications and chose SNMP service
- In the IP section select Spesifc IP -> subnet -> Source: / subnet:
- Action = Allow
- Disable and re-enable the firewall for it to take effect