
POC on Automating EC2 Forensics

Primary LanguageShell

forensic_automation - POC on Automating EC2 Forensics

This project demonstrates how to automate the forensic investigation of AWS Elastic Compute Cloud virtual machines. These scripts automate the methodology discussed in the Step by Step Walkthrough of Forensic Analysis of Amazon Linux on EC2 for Incident Responders workshop.

This code for this project is intended to run from a workstation that has the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Installed and has Full EC2 and Systems Manager permissions.

The code consists of the following scripts:

Setup Scripts

  • setup_sift.sh - This script takes the basic SIFT AMI, updates it and installs the AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Agent. (See the Make a SIFT Workstation AMI reference.) For improved security the "sansforensics" account is disabled after the SSM Agent is installed, since all commands will now be executed via SSM.
  • setup_target.sh - This script makes an "infected" Target EC2 Instance. For more information see Preparing the Demonstration Host Target. Note that to try this POC, it is not necessary to make an "infected" Target. Instead, you can use a public snapshot that I have created manually using the process that this script automates. (See the next script.)
  • make_example_volume.sh - This script makes an example target volume based on a public snapshot that is similar to the volume created with the setup_target.sh script. (Note: you really only need to run one or the other.)

Working Scripts

  • collect_artifacts.sh - This is the script that does the work of collecting the forensic evidence. The script makes a "Evidence" snapshot of the "Target" EBS Volume. Next, it creates an EBS "Evidence" Volume based on the Snapshot. This "Evidence" Volume is attached to the SIFT Workstation and mounted read-only. For comparison purposes, a "Baseline" volume is created based on the same AMI as the Target Instance. The Baseline volume is also attached to the SIFT Workstation and mounted read-only. A Data EBS Volume is attached for the collection of evidence. Lastly, a series of commands are executed on the SIFT Workstation (Via SSM) to collect the evidence. The script knows which volume to treat as the "Target" based on the contents of a SQS queue.
  • add_volume_to_queue.sh - This script is used to pass the VolumeId of the Target volume to the SQS queue to be processed. The Case Number and Sample Id are passed as message attributes.

Supporting Scripts

  • functions.sh - This file contains the functions that the other scripts call.
  • parameters.sh - This file contains the parameters that need to be customized for each user's AWS account. The other scripts will call this script to load the parameters into memory. Copy the parameters.sh-SAMPLE file to parameters.sh and modify it as appropriate.

Helper Scripts

  • mount_volumes.sh - Use this script to mount the volumes after the SIFT Workstation is restarted.
  • create_queue.sh - Use this script to create the SQS queue to contain the volumes to be processed.
  • fetch_message.sh - Run this script to see the current message in the queue.
  • delete_mmessage.sh - This script is used to delete the current message after the volume has been processed.
  • unmount_detach_delete_volumes.sh - This script unmounts and then detaches and deletes the EBS Volumes and is intended to be called by each iteration of the process_queue.sh script. It may need to be manually run if the collect_artifacts.sh script encounters an error.
  • process_queue.sh - This script contains an endless loop that repeatedly calls the collect_artifacts.sh script to process the next EBS Volume. If the collect_artifacts.sh script has a clean exit, the message will be removed from the queue by calling delete_message.sh. The volumes will be unmounted and detached by calling the unmount_detach_delete_volumes.sh script and the loop will iterate.

Normally the SIFT will be either kept running or will be in a stopped state yet fully patched, so it will not need to be provisioned every time EBS Volume forensics is needed.


The setup_sift.sh script assumes that there is an existing IAM Role called "EC2_Responder" with the following permissions:

  • AmazonEC2FullAccess,
  • AmazonS3FullAccess,
  • AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore

The setup_target.sh script assumes there is an existing IAM Role called "SSM_ManagedInstance" with the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore permission.

The setup_sift.sh requires the sshpass utility (https://linux.die.net/man/1/sshpass) as the default password for the SIFT Workstation is hard-coded in the script.

The jq utility is also required so that the scripts can parse JSON. See https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ for more information.


  1. Copy the parameters.sh-SAMPLE file to parameters.sh and modify parameters.sh as appropriate for your AWS Account.
  2. Create an "EC2_Responder" IAM Role with the following permissions:
    • AmazonEC2FullAccess,
    • AmazonS3FullAccess,
    • AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
  3. Ensure the sshpass and jq are installed on your workstation. We are also assuming that you have the AWS CLI installed and configured with an AWS Access key that has full privileges. (Determining least privileges is outside the scope of this proof of concept.)
  4. Make a "SSH-Only" security group that allows only inbound SSH access from your IP address.
  5. Run the setup_sift.sh script to provision a SIFT Workstation and configure it. This will take some time because the SIFT Needs to be updated.
  6. Run the make_example_volume.sh script to create an interesting EBS Volume to forensicate.
  7. Execute the create_queue.sh script to make a queue to contain the volumes to process. (This only needs to be performed once per account.)
  8. Determine the VolumeId of the Target Volume by looking in the AWS Console (or by using the output from the previous step). Run the add_volume_to_queue.sh script to add the volume to be processed to the queue. Run the command as follows:
add_volume_to_queue.sh VOLUME "Case-1234" "Sample-ABC1234"

Where VOLUME is the VolumeId to be processed.

  1. Run the collect_artifacts.sh script to process the EBS volume. This will take some time so monitor the progress of the script and examine the interim output in the Systems Manager Run Command "Command History."

  2. Use the Systems Manager Web Console "Run Command History" to examine the artifacts collected in S3.