ASCII Art Phase of the Moon (Python version)
Based on the original version of Jef Poskanzer (Twitter: @jef_poskanzer) written in Pascal in 1979 (and later translated by himself into C, and now by me into Python).
$ pyphoon --help
usage: pyphoon [-h] [-n LINES] [-x] [-l [LANGUAGE]] [date]
Show Phase of the Moon
positional arguments:
date Date for that the phase of the Moon must be shown.
Today by default
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n LINES, --lines LINES
Number of lines to display (size of the moon)
-x, --notext Print no additional information, just the moon
-l [LANGUAGE], --language [LANGUAGE]
locale for that the phase of the Moon must be shown.
English by default
By default the number of lines is 30 and the date is today.
The Moon is (at the moment) shown only for the northern hemisphere.
Supported dateformats:
- 2016-Mar-01
- 2016-03-01
- 03-01-2016
- 03/01/2016
- etc.
Displayed information:
- time after the previous state (-)
- time to the next state (+)
- dateutil
Own changes
There are several changes in PyPhoon that were not present in the original Jef Pokazner's version of 1979:
- Localization: pyphoon is translated into many languages; language is configured using the system locale (