
A data science workshop covering NumPy, Pandas, and Seaborn

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Data Analysis Workshop

This repository contains notebooks and slides to an online workshop I co-organized with Rahaf AlNajjar and Soubhi Hadri.

Additionally, the sessions have been recored and uploaded to YouTube (in Arabic).

The aim of this workshop is to increase the literacy of the common Python tools in the world of data science. The main audience of this workshop were beginners with some programming experience.

You can access the notebooks directly using Google Colab from the links provided in the table below. Also, You can access the sessions recordings as well (in Arabic) from the table below.

Session Session title Session details Google Colab Link YouTube Link
First session Intro to Data Analysis Introduction to the main tools of Python data science and the different roles (data engineer, data scientist, machine learning engineer) ___ IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE
Second session NumPy tutorial Introduction to the famous NumPy library and its core concepts (array, broadcasting, aggregations) Open In Colab IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE
Third session Pandas tutorial Introduction to the main data analysis library pandas Open In Colab IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE
Fourth session Case study Using both pandas and NumPy to analyze Google Play Store Apps data Open In Colab IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE