Chinese Character Recognition!

Version 2.0.0

Chinese Character Recognition is a website to test the user's skill in writing chinese characters.

Starting the game

Go to this website

How to play

You will be given 3 hints as to what the character is. The first hint is the pinyin of the character:


The second hint is the definition of the character:


The third hint are example usages of the character:


Your Guess and Recognized Characters

There will be a canvas where you can write your character! Next to it will be a list of recognized characters, Click on the character that you think is right! (The answer accepts both simplified and traditional characters)


On the bottom of the canvas are 3 buttons to help you. The undo button will undo your last stroke. The clear button will clear the canvas. The next button will skip the question.


Previous Answers

Below the canvas, there will be a list of the previous answers, a green underline indicates you got it correct, whereas a red underline means you skipped the question.


Character Information

If you click on any of the previous answers, it will show you more information about the character. If you click on the animate button, it will animate the stroke order for you!


Score and Settings

On the very bottom, you can see your current score


There will also be a settings icon where you can change the difficulty of the characters. The slider indicates the words that you wanted to get tested on. Below, the slider has the range set from 20-170, which means you will get tested on the 20th-170th most frequent chinese characters


Special Thanks

Major thanks to @stellaw1 for the support in launching V2 and migrating the codebase to React!